- proprioceptor
- [͵prəʋprıəʹseptə] n физиол.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
proprioceptor — PROPRIOCEPTÓR s.m. (anat.) Formaţie nervoasă senzitivă, având proprietatea de a transmite stimuli din diferite organe în legătură cu mişcarea, echilibrul etc. [pron. pri o . / < fr. propriocepteur]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa:… … Dicționar Român
proprioceptor — |cèt| s. m. 1. Receptor ou órgão que permite a percepção da posição, deslocamento, equilíbrio, peso e distribuição do próprio corpo e das suas partes. • adj. 2. Relativo a propriocepção (ex.: atividade proprioceptora). = PROPRIOCEPTIVO… … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
proprioceptor — propriocèptor m DEFINICIJA fiziol. receptor smješten u mišićima, zglobovima i tetivama; posreduje u održavanju ravnoteže tijela ETIMOLOGIJA lat. proprius: svoj, vlastiti + v. recepcija, {{(re)ceptor>> … Hrvatski jezični portal
proprioceptor — [prō΄prē ō sep′tər, prō΄prē ə sep′tər] n. [< L proprius, one s own + (RE)CEPTOR] any of the sensory end organs in the muscles, tendons, etc. that are sensitive to the stimuli originated in these organs by the movement of the body or its parts … English World dictionary
proprioceptor — noun Etymology: New Latin, from Latin proprius + New Latin ceptor (as in receptor) Date: 1906 a sensory receptor (as a muscle spindle) excited by proprioceptive stimuli (as changes in limb position) … New Collegiate Dictionary
proprioceptor — n. [L. proprius, ones own; receptor, receiver] 1. Internal sense organs that lie within the body cavity and respond to internal conditions of the organism. 2. Mechanoreceptors that detect movements or position of the body parts; in arthropods,… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
proprioceptor — /proh pree euh sep teuhr/, n. Physiol. a receptor located in subcutaneous tissues, as muscles, tendons, and joints, that responds to stimuli produced within the body. [1905 10; PROPRIO + (RE)CEPTOR] * * * … Universalium
proprioceptor — noun A nerve ending that functions as a sensory receptor in muscles, tendons, joints and the inner ear; they respond to movement and position … Wiktionary
proprioceptor — One of a variety of sensory end organs (such as the muscle spindle and Golgi tendon organ) in muscles, tendons, and joint capsules that sense position or state of contraction. * * * pro·prio·cep·tor sep tər … Medical dictionary
proprioceptor — n. sensory receptor that receives information about body position and movement … English contemporary dictionary
proprioceptor — pro·pri·o·cep·tor … English syllables