
[ʹpru:fıŋ] n
1. придание непроницаемости, стойкости и т. п.; защита от воды, коррозии и т. п.

cloth /fabric/ proofing - пропитка ткани

2. водоотталкивающий состав
3. защитный покров, оболочка, покрытие

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "proofing" в других словарях:

  • proofing — /ˈprufɪŋ/ (say proohfing) noun 1. the act or process of making a thing resistant to danger, deterioration, damage, etc.: *the John Oxley Youth Detention Centre would undergo a $4 million upgrade including suicide proofing of residential sections …  

  • proofing — noun ( s) 1. : the act or process of making proof 2. : a chemical or other substance used in proofing; specifically : a preparation applied to fabric or incorporated in it at the time of manufacture to make it proof against weather or to prevent… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Proofing (baking technique) — Challah proofing in loaf pans. Bread covered with linen proofing cloth in the background. Proofing (also called proving), as the term is used by professional bakers, is the final dough rise step before baking, and refers to a specific rest period …   Wikipedia

  • Proofing of armour — The proofing of armour refers to the process of testing armour for its defensive ability, most commonly used to historical testing of plate armour and chainmail. In the early middle ages, armour would be classified by the blows it could withstand …   Wikipedia

  • proofing — The verification that a breached lane is free of live mines by passing a mine roller or other mine resistant vehicle through as the lead vehicle …   Military dictionary

  • proofing — /prooh fing/, n. 1. the act or process of making a thing resistant, as in waterproof fabrics or fireproof material. 2. any chemical used in the manufacture of a substance to make it proof against water, fire, etc. [1900 05; PROOF + ING1] * * * …   Universalium

  • proofing — noun A step in creating yeast breads and baked goods, during which the yeast is allowed to leaven the dough …   Wiktionary

  • Proofing — Proo|fing [ pru:fɪŋ], das; s: (meist am Bildschirm stattfindendes) Überprüfen von Daten, die für elektronische Publikationen bestimmt sind …   Universal-Lexikon

  • proofing — n. making impervious, sealing; substance used for sealing pruːf n. substantiation, demonstration; corroboration, evidence; trial print that is inspected for errors (Printing) v. make resistant; make impervious; make a trial print for… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Proofing — Proo|fing [ pru:fɪŋ ], das; s (Druckwesen am Bildschirm stattfindendes Überprüfen von Daten für elektronische Publikationen) …   Die deutsche Rechtschreibung

  • Prepress proofing — Main article: Prepress A Contract Proof[1] usually serves as an agreement between customer and printer and as a color reference guide for adjusting the press before the final press run.[2] Most contract proofs are a Prepress Proof.[3] The primary …   Wikipedia

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