
[prəʹməʋt] v
1. продвигать; повышать в чине или звании

to be promoted over the head of other persons - продвинуться по службе, обойдя других

he was promoted captain /to the rank of captain, to be a captain/ - ему присвоили звание капитана

2. 1) способствовать, содействовать, поддерживать, поощрять

to promote trade - содействовать развитию торговли, поощрять развитие торговли

to promote a scheme [a bill in Parliament] - содействовать продвижению плана [законопроекта в парламенте]; (всячески) поддерживать план [законопроект в парламенте]

to promote international understanding - содействовать взаимопониманию между народами

to promote general welfare - способствовать обеспечению общего благосостояния

2) возбуждать; стимулировать; активизировать

to promote disorder [ill-will] - возбуждать беспорядки [недоброжелательность]

3. переводить в следующий класс (ученика)
4. учреждать

to promote an enterprise [a company] - учредить предприятие [общество]

5. рекламировать; содействовать продаже какого-л. товара
6. шахм. продвигать пешку
7. сл. красть, воровать; раздобывать
8. мед. способствовать, провоцировать; активировать; стимулировать; ускорять

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "promote" в других словарях:

  • promote — pro‧mote [prəˈməʊt ǁ ˈmoʊt] verb [transitive] 1. to help something develop, grow, become more successful etc, or encourage something to happen: • The CBI is in favour of promoting alliances between small businesses. • Oftel favors firm controls… …   Financial and business terms

  • Promote — Pro*mote , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Promoted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Promoting}.] [L. promotus, p. p. of promovere to move forward, to promote; pro forward + movere to move. See {Move}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To contribute to the growth, enlargement, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • promote — [prə mōt′, prōmōt′] vt. promoted, promoting [ME promoten < L promotus, pp. of promovere, to move forward: see PRO 2 & MOVE] 1. to raise or advance to a higher position or rank [she was promoted to manager] 2. to help bring about or further the …   English World dictionary

  • promote — I (advance) verb advocate, advance in rank, aggrandize, better, dignify, elevate, encourage, exalt, favor, forward, further, graduate, help, magnify, move up, pass, prefer, producere, promovere, provehere, push up, raise, upgrade II (organize)… …   Law dictionary

  • promote — [v1] help, advance advertise, advocate, aid, assist, avail, back, befriend, benefit, bolster, boost, build up*, call attention to, champion, contribute, cooperate, cry*, develop, encourage, endorse, espouse, forward, foster, further, get behind,… …   New thesaurus

  • Promote — Pro*mote , v. i. To urge on or incite another, as to strife; also, to inform against a person. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • promote — late 14c., to advance (someone) to a higher grade or office, from L. promotus, pp. of promovere move forward, advance, from pro forward (see PRO (Cf. pro )) + movere to move (see MOVE (Cf. move)). General sense of to further the growth or… …   Etymology dictionary

  • promote — forward, further, *advance Analogous words: *help, aid, assist: *speed, quicken, hasten, hurry Antonyms: impede Contrasted words: *hinder, obstruct, block, bar …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • promote — ► VERB 1) further the progress of (a cause, venture, or aim); support. 2) publicize (a product or celebrity). 3) raise to a higher position or rank. 4) transfer (a sports team) to a higher division. ORIGIN Latin promovere move forward …   English terms dictionary

  • promote — verb 1 encourage sth ADVERB ▪ strongly ▪ Human rights are strongly promoted by all our members. ▪ actively, directly ▪ indirectly ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • promote*/*/ — [prəˈməʊt] verb [T] 1) to support something, or to help something to develop a campaign to promote recycling[/ex] Young plants are exposed to bright light to promote growth.[/ex] 2) to attract people s attention to a product or event, for example …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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