
1. [prəʹfaʋnd] n поэт.
1. море; океан
2. глубина; бездна; пучина
2. [prəʹfaʋnd] a
1. 1) глубокий, основательный

profound intelligence [meaning] - глубокий ум [смысл]

profound learning - глубокие /основательные/ знания

profound changes - основательные /кардинальные/ перемены

one of the most profound minds of this generation - один из самых выдающихся мыслителей /глубоких умов/ этого поколения

2) трудный для понимания, сложный, запутанный

profound doctrine - сложная теория

a most profound mathematical inquiry - очень трудное (для понимания) /сложное/ математическое исследование

2. глубокий, глубоко прочувствованный, проникновенный

profound sympathy [contempt] - глубокое сочувствие [презрение]

profound respect for smb. - глубочайшее уважение к кому-л.

to listen to smb. with profound interest - слушать кого-л. с огромным интересом

3. поэт. имеющий большую глубину, глубокий

profound depths of the ocean - глубины /пучина/ океана

profound sigh - глубокий вздох

4. полный, совершенный, абсолютный

profound rest - абсолютный /полный/ покой

profound ignorance - совершенное /полное/ невежество

profound indifference - полное /глубокое/ безразличие

profound sleep - глубокий сон

profound silence - глубокое молчание; полная тишина

5. глубокий, низкий (о поклоне)

to make a profound bow - отвесить низкий поклон

to make a profound curtsy - сделать глубокий реверанс

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Смотреть что такое "profound" в других словарях:

  • Profound — Pro*found , a. [F. profond, L. profundus; pro before, forward + fundus the bottom. See {Found} to establish, {Bottom} lowest part.] 1. Descending far below the surface; opening or reaching to a great depth; deep. A gulf profound. Milton. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • profound — [prō found′, prəfound′] adj. [ME < OFr profund < L profundus < pro , forward (see PRO 2) + fundus, BOTTOM] 1. very deep or low [a profound abyss, sleep, etc.] 2. marked by intellectual depth [a profound discussion] 3. i …   English World dictionary

  • profound — [adj1] intellectual, thoughtful abstruse, acroamatic, deep, difficult, discerning, enlightened, erudite, esoteric, heavy*, hermetic, informed, intellectual, intelligent, knowing, knowledgeable, learned, mysterious, occult, Orphic, penetrating,… …   New thesaurus

  • Profound — Pro*found , n. 1. The deep; the sea; the ocean. [1913 Webster] God in the fathomless profound Hath all this choice commanders drowned. Sandys. [1913 Webster] 2. An abyss. Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • profound — (adj.) c.1300, characterized by intellectual depth, from O.Fr. profund (late 12c.), from L. profundus deep, bottomless, vast, also obscure, profound, from pro forth (see PRO (Cf. pro )) + fundus bottom (see FUND (Cf. fund) (n.)). The literal and… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Profound — Pro*found , v. t. To cause to sink deeply; to cause to dive or penetrate far down. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Profound — Pro*found , v. i. To dive deeply; to penetrate. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • profound — I (esoteric) adjective abstruse, acroamatic, acroamatical, acroatic, astute, complicated, erudite, esoteric, gnostic, intellectual, intellectually deep, knowing, learned, oracular, penetrating, perceptive, philosophical, recondite, reflective,… …   Law dictionary

  • profound — *deep, abysmal Analogous words: penetrating, probing, piercing (see ENTER): scrutinizing, inspecting, examining (see SCRUTINIZE) Antonyms: shallow …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • profound — ► ADJECTIVE (profounder, profoundest) 1) very great or intense. 2) showing great knowledge or insight. 3) demanding deep study or thought. 4) archaic very deep. DERIVATIVES profoundly adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • profound — 01. The death of her father at an early age had a [profound] effect on Baptista. 02. There is a [profound] difference in thinking between the two leaders, which makes reaching an agreement extremely difficult. 03. People were [profoundly] shocked …   Grammatical examples in English

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