- procuratory
- 1. [ʹprɒkjʋrət(ə)rı] n юр.
доверенность, поручение2. [ʹprɒkjʋrət(ə)rı] a1. юр. относящийся к доверенности или поручению2. приобретаемый; получаемый3. своднический
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Procuratory — Pro*cu ra*to*ry, a. [L. procuratorius.] Tending to, or authorizing, procuration. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
procuratory — index vicarious (delegated) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
procuratory — proc·u·ra·to·ry … English syllables
procuratory — rəˌtōrē noun ( es) Etymology: Late Latin procuratorius 1. civil law : authorization of one individual to act for another 2. : power of attorney … Useful english dictionary
Robert Lauder of The Bass — Sir Robert Lauder of The Bass, (born before 1440 died just before February 1508) was a Scottish knight, armiger, and Governor of the Castle at Berwick upon Tweed. He was also a member of the old Scottish Parliament. [Young, James, editor,… … Wikipedia
Sebastiano Ricci — (August 1, 1659 15 May 1734) was an Italian painter of the late Baroque school of Venice. About the same age as Piazzetta, and an elder contemporary of Tiepolo; he is one of the precursors of a vigorous and lumnious Cortonesque style of grand… … Wikipedia
procurator — procuratorate, procuratorship, n. procuratorial /prok yeuhr euh tawr ee euhl, tohr /, procuratory, adj. /prok yeuh ray teuhr/, n. 1. Rom. Hist. any of various imperial officials with fiscal or administrative powers. 2. a cellarer. 3. a person, as … Universalium
per pro (pp) — abbreviation for per procurationem, through an agent or procuratory . Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 … Law dictionary
vicarious — vi·car·i·ous /vī kar ē əs/ adj: imposed on one person in place of another see also vicarious liability at liability 2b vi·car·i·ous·ly adv vi·car·i·ous·ness n … Law dictionary
literae procuratoriae — /litariy prokyaratoriyiy/ In old English law, letters procuratory; letters of procuration; letters of attorney … Black's law dictionary
literae procuratoriae — /litariy prokyaratoriyiy/ In old English law, letters procuratory; letters of procuration; letters of attorney … Black's law dictionary