- procrustean
- [prəʋʹkrʌstıən] a
1) миф. прокрустов
Procrustean bed - прокрустово ложе
2) жёсткий, негибкийProcrustean methods - жёсткие методы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Procrustean bed - прокрустово ложе
Procrustean methods - жёсткие методы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Procrustean — Pro*crus te*an, a. Of or pertaining to Procrustes, or the mode of torture practiced by him; producing conformity by violent means; as, the Procrustean treatment; a Procrustean limit. See {Procrustes}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Procrustean — 1846 in figurative sense of aiming to produce conformity by arbitrary means, from Procrustes, mythical robber of Attica who seized travelers, tied them to his bed, and either stretched their limbs or lopped of their legs to make them fit it. The… … Etymology dictionary
Procrustean — [prō krus′tē ən] adj. 1. of or like Procrustes or his actions 2. designed or acting to secure conformity at any cost; drastic or ruthless … English World dictionary
procrustean bed — noun a standard that is enforced uniformly without regard to individuality • Syn: ↑procrustean standard, ↑procrustean rule • Hypernyms: ↑standard, ↑criterion, ↑measure, ↑touchstone … Useful english dictionary
procrustean rule — noun a standard that is enforced uniformly without regard to individuality • Syn: ↑procrustean standard, ↑procrustean bed • Hypernyms: ↑standard, ↑criterion, ↑measure, ↑touchstone … Useful english dictionary
procrustean standard — noun a standard that is enforced uniformly without regard to individuality • Syn: ↑procrustean rule, ↑procrustean bed • Hypernyms: ↑standard, ↑criterion, ↑measure, ↑touchstone … Useful english dictionary
procrustean bed — noun An arbitrary standard to which compliance is enforced. The Procrustean bed is not a symbol of equality … Wiktionary
procrustean bed — /proʊˈkrʌstiən bɛd/ (say proh krusteeuhn bed) noun (also upper case) an arbitrary standard to which strict conformity is forced. {See procrustean} …
procrustean — adjective Usage: often capitalized Date: 1832 1. of, relating to, or typical of Procrustes 2. marked by arbitrary often ruthless disregard of individual differences or special circumstances … New Collegiate Dictionary
Procrustean — /proh krus tee euhn/, adj. 1. pertaining to or suggestive of Procrustes. 2. (often l.c.) tending to produce conformity by violent or arbitrary means. [1840 50; PROCRUSTE(S) + AN] * * * … Universalium
procrustean — adjective a) Producing or designed to produce strict conformity by ruthless or arbitrary means. b) Marked by arbitrary often ruthless disregard of individual differences or special circumstances … Wiktionary