- proboscis
- [prəʹbɒsıs] n (pl тж. proboscides)
1. хобот2. хоботок (насекомого)3. шутл. (длинный) нос
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Proboscis — Pro*bos cis, n.; pl. {Proboscides}. [L. fr. Gr. ?; ? before + ? to feed, graze.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A hollow organ or tube attached to the head, or connected with the mouth, of various animals, and generally used in taking food or drink; a snout; a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
proboscis — [pʀɔbɔsis] n. m. ÉTYM. 1906, in Rev. gén. des sc., no 21, p. 955; mot lat., du grec. → Proboscide. ❖ ♦ Sc. nat. Organe en forme de trompe, chez certains insectes. || « On appelle proboscis la partie allongée de l appareil buccal des insectes :… … Encyclopédie Universelle
proboscis — (n.) c.1600, elephant s trunk, from L. proboscis (Pliny), from Gk. proboskis elephant s trunk, lit. means for taking food, from pro forward (see PRO (Cf. pro )) + boskein to nourish, feed, from boskesthai graze, be fed, from stem *bot (Cf … Etymology dictionary
Proboscis — (gr.), so v.w. Rüssel … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
proboscis — ► NOUN (pl. probosces, proboscides, or proboscises) 1) the nose of a mammal, especially when long and mobile like an elephant s trunk. 2) an elongated sucking organ or mouthpart of an insect or worm. ORIGIN Greek proboskis means of obtaining food … English terms dictionary
proboscis — [prō bäs′is] n. pl. proboscises or proboscides [prō bäs′ə dēz΄] [L < Gr proboskis < pro , before + boskein, to feed, graze, prob. akin to bous, COW1] 1. an elephant s trunk, or a long, flexible snout, as of a tapir 2. any tubular organ for… … English World dictionary
Proboscis — In general, a proboscis (from Greek προ, pro before and βοσκειν, boskein to feed also known as probiscus) is an elongated appendage from the head of an animal cite web | url = http://www.merriam webster.com/dictionary/proboscis | title =… … Wikipedia
proboscis — n. (pl. cises or ♦ cides ) long snout; prominent nasal organ. ♦ proboscidal, ♦ proboscidiform, a. like a proboscis. ♦ proboscidate, ♦ proboscidial, proboscidiferous, a. having a proboscis. ♦ proboscidean, proboscidian, n. & a … Dictionary of difficult words
proboscis — UK [prəʊˈbɒsɪs] / US [prəˈbɑsɪs] noun [countable] Word forms proboscis : singular proboscis plural proboscises or proboscides biology 1) a) the long nose of some animals, for example an elephant s trunk b) humorous someone s large nose 2) a long… … English dictionary
proboscis — n. 1 the long flexible trunk or snout of some mammals, e.g. an elephant or tapir. 2 the elongated mouth parts of some insects. 3 the sucking organ in some worms. 4 joc. the human nose. Phrases and idioms: proboscis monkey a monkey, Nasalis… … Useful english dictionary
Proboscis — Rüsselspitze eines Elefanten Ursprünglich bedeutet Rüssel (griech. Proboscis) bei Tieren eine verlängerte, fleischige Nase mit den Nasenlöchern am unteren, freien Ende. Im weiteren Sinne bezeichnet der Begriff die in ähnlicher Art verlängerten… … Deutsch Wikipedia