prizeman — prízēman prid. <odr. mnī> DEFINICIJA 1. koji se nalazi pri zemlji, u prizemlju [prizeman stan] 2. pren. nizak, usmjeren na niske potrebe i zahtjeve onih kojima se obraća ili određen niskim mogućnostima subjekta; jeftin (o ukusu, šalama,… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Prizeman — Prize man, n.; pl. {Prizemen}. The winner of a prize. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
prizeman — noun The (male) winner of a prize … Wiktionary
prizeman — prize·man || praɪzmÉ™n n. award winner, recipient of a prize … English contemporary dictionary
prizeman — prize·man … English syllables
prizeman — n. (pl. men) a winner of a prize, esp. a specified academic one … Useful english dictionary
Jonathan Prizeman — was an Irish soccer player during the 1990s and 2000s who currently plays for St Kevins Boys in the Amateur Union League in Dublin.A central midfielder, he appeared for Bohemians, Dundalk F.C., Shelbourne F.C. and Kilkenny City F.C. during his… … Wikipedia
Nobel prizeman — n. person who has won the Nobel Prize … English contemporary dictionary
Prizemen — Prizeman Prize man, n.; pl. {Prizemen}. The winner of a prize. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Libera (music) — Libera is an all boy vocal group directed by Robert Prizeman. Their name comes from their signature song Libera, which is based on the Libera Me portion of the Requiem Mass. Libera is the Latin word for free . Most of the boys in Libera come from … Wikipedia
Libera (Chœur) — Libera est un groupe vocal composé de garçons, dirigé par Robert Prizeman, dont le nom provient de leur chanson Libera, basée sur le Libera Me de la messe de Requiem. La plupart des garçons de Libera proviennent du chœur de la paroisse St.… … Wikipédia en Français