- printseller
1> продавец гравюр и эстампов
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
printseller — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun : a seller of graphic art works; especially : the proprietor of a printshop (sense 1) … Useful english dictionary
Henry Graves (printseller and publisher) — Henry Graves (17 July, 1806 23 August, 1892) was a printseller and publisher in Victorian London.Graves married Mary Squire and they had 2 sons, Boydell and Algernon [Dictionary of Art Historians Algernon Graves… … Wikipedia
Walter Goodman — (11 May, 1838 20 August, 1912) was a British painter, illustrator and author.The son of British portrait painter Julia Salaman (1812 1906) and London linen draper and town councellor, Louis Goodman (1811 1876), he studied with J. M. Leigh and at… … Wikipedia
Скородумов, Гаврила Иванович — (Scorodoumof); родился в С. Петербурге 12 марта 1755 г. (по Акад. Мат. Петрова, в 1748); сын живописца Ивана Ивановича Скородумова; в отроческих летах отдан в Академию художеств, где занимался живописью масляными красками, акварелью… … Большая биографическая энциклопедия
Peter Stent — (c. 1613 1665) was a seventeenth century London printseller, who from the early 1640s until his death ran one of the biggest printmaking businesses of the day.References*Alexander Globe (1985). Peter Stent, London Printseller . University of… … Wikipedia
Israel Silvestre — (Nancy, 13 August 1621 ndash; 11 October 1691 in Paris), called the Younger to distinguish him from his father, was a prolific French draftsman, etcher and print dealer who specialized in topographical views and perspectives of famous buildings.… … Wikipedia
Mary and Matthew Darly — British print from copper engraving by Mary and Matthew Darly (from a drawing by Henry Angelo), part of a famous 1771 1773 series on Macaronis by the Darlys. The Mungo Macaroni (Mungo a name of a slave character from a comic opera) is based on… … Wikipedia
Cornelis Bos — Cornelis [Willem] Bos (c1506/10 before 7 May 1555) was a Flemish engraver, printseller and book publisher, through whose images after paintings and reproducing ancient Roman sculptures, like the Laocoön,[1] classic works were put in the visual… … Wikipedia
Cornelis Van Caukercken — Robert van den Hoecke, from Cornelis de Bie s Het Gulden Cabinet, 1662. Cornelis Van Caukercken was a Flemish engraver and printseller, born at Antwerp in 1626. He engraved several plates of portraits, and other subjects, from the works of Rubens … Wikipedia
Орловский, Александр Осипович — академик батальной живописи, известный рисовальщик; род. в 1777 г. в Варшаве, ум. в Петербурге 2 марта 1832 г. Родившись в бедной семье в Варшаве, А. О. Орловский провел детство в Седльцах, где отец его содержал гостиницу; страсть к рисованию и… … Большая биографическая энциклопедия
Richard Whittington — For other people named Richard Whittington, see Richard Whittington (disambiguation). Sir Richard Whittington and his Cat Sir Richard Whittington (c. 1354–1423) was a medieval merchant and politician, and the real life inspiration for the… … Wikipedia