
[ʹprınsıp(ə)l] n
1. принцип, основа, закон

Archimedes' principle, buoyancy principle - закон Архимеда

principles of war - принципы военного искусства

principles of biology [of government] - основы биологии [правления]

principle of action and reaction - закон равенства действия и противодействия

principle of universal gravitation - закон всемирного тяготения

2. норма, основное правило (поведения); принцип

unanimity principle, principle of unanimity - принцип единогласия

on principle - а) из принципа; б) в соответствии с правилом, нормой, привычкой и т. п. [ср. тж. 3, 1)]

he drank hot milk every night on principle - у него было правилом /он имел обыкновение/ каждый вечер пить горячее молоко

in principle - в принципе

a man of principle - принципиальный человек

a man of no principles - беспринципный человек

to stick to one's principles - придерживаться своих принципов

the principles political party - принципы политической партии

I make it a principle never to lend money - я взял за правило никому не давать взаймы

3. 1) принцип (работы); основа (действия, устройства)

step principle - ступенчатый принцип конструирования (ракеты)

to work on principle - работать /действовать/ по какому-л. принципу [ср. тж. 2]

in all these instruments the principle is the same - все эти инструменты действуют по одному и тому же принципу

2) специфика действия, действующее начало лекарственного вещества
4. источник, первопричина, первооснова
5. хим. составная часть, элемент

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Смотреть что такое "principle" в других словарях:

  • principle — prin‧ci‧ple [ˈprɪnspl] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] a moral rule or set of ideas that makes you behave in a particular way: • The single European market works on market principles. • As a matter of principle (= a rule that is very important …   Financial and business terms

  • principle — principle, axiom, fundamental, law, theorem are comparable when they denote a proposition or other formulation stating a fact or a generalization accepted as true and basic. Principle applies to a generalization that provides a basis for… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Principle — Prin ci*ple, n. [F. principe, L. principium beginning, foundation, fr. princeps, cipis. See {Prince}.] 1. Beginning; commencement. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Doubting sad end of principle unsound. Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. A source, or origin; that… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • principle — I (axiom) noun accepted belief, adage, admitted maxim, article of belief, article of faith, assertion, assurance, basic doctrine, basic law, basic rule, basic truth, belief, canon, conviction, credo, declaration of faith, decretum, doctrine,… …   Law dictionary

  • principle — [prin′sə pəl] n. [ME, altered < MFr principe < L principium: see PRINCIPIUM] 1. the ultimate source, origin, or cause of something 2. a natural or original tendency, faculty, or endowment 3. a fundamental truth, law, doctrine, or motivating …   English World dictionary

  • principle — ► NOUN 1) a fundamental truth or proposition serving as the foundation for belief or action. 2) a rule or belief governing one s personal behaviour. 3) morally correct behaviour and attitudes. 4) a general scientific theorem or natural law. 5) a… …   English terms dictionary

  • principle — late 14c., fundamental truth or proposition, from Anglo Fr. principle, O.Fr. principe, from L. principium (plural principia) a beginning, first part, from princeps (see PRINCE (Cf. prince)). Meaning origin, source is attested from early 15c.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • principle — [n1] law, standard assumption, axiom, basis, canon, convention, criterion, dictum, doctrine, dogma, ethic, form, formula, foundation, fundamental, golden rule*, ground, maxim, origin, postulate, precept, prescript, principium, proposition,… …   New thesaurus

  • Principle — Prin ci*ple, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Principled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Principling}.] To equip with principles; to establish, or fix, in certain principles; to impress with any tenet, or rule of conduct, good or ill. [1913 Webster] Governors should be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • principle — /prin seuh peuhl/, n. 1. an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct: a person of good moral principles. 2. a fundamental, primary, or general law or truth from which others are derived: the principles of modern physics. 3. a fundamental… …   Universalium

  • principle — noun 1 basic general rule ADJECTIVE ▪ basic, broad, central, fundamental, general, underlying ▪ the basic principles of car maintenance ▪ b …   Collocations dictionary

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