- priestly
- [ʹpri:stlı] a
1. 1) священнический; приличествующий духовному лицу
priestly vestments - одеяние священника
2) поповский2. жреческий
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
priestly vestments - одеяние священника
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Priestly — Priest ly, a. Of or pertaining to a priest or the priesthood; sacerdotal; befitting or becoming a priest; as, the priestly office; a priestly farewell. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
priestly — (adj.) mid 15c.; see PRIEST (Cf. priest) + LY (Cf. ly) (1) … Etymology dictionary
priestly — [prēst′lē] adj. priestlier, priestliest of, like, or suitable for a priest or priests priestliness n … English World dictionary
priestly — [[t]pri͟ːstli[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n Priestly is used to describe things that belong or relate to a priest. Priestly robes hang on the walls. ...his priestly duties … English dictionary
priestly — priestliness, n. /preest lee/, adj., priestlier, priestliest. 1. of or pertaining to a priest; sacerdotal: priestly vestments. 2. characteristic of or befitting a priest. [bef. 1000; ME prestli, OE preostlic. See PRIEST, LY] * * * … Universalium
priestly — adj. Priestly is used with these nouns: ↑robe … Collocations dictionary
priestly — priest|ly [ˈpri:stli] adj [usually before noun] like a priest, or relating to a priest ▪ priestly robes … Dictionary of contemporary English
priestly — adjective connected with a priest: priestly garments … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
priestly — priest ► NOUN 1) an ordained minister of the Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican Church, authorized to perform certain ceremonies. 2) a person who performs ceremonies in a non Christian religion. DERIVATIVES priesthood noun priestly adjective. ORIGIN … English terms dictionary
PRIESTLY BLESSING — (Heb. בִּרְכַּת כֹּהֲנִים), the formula in Numbers 6:24–26 ordained by God and transmitted to the priests by Moses for the blessing of Israel. Verse 27, They shall invoke My name on behalf of the Israelites and I will bless them, makes explicit… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Priestly Blessing — Large crowds congregate on Passover at the Western Wall to receive the priestly blessing Halakhic texts relating to this article: Torah: Numbers 6:23–27 … Wikipedia