- pricewise
- [ʹpraıswaız] a разг.
в отношении цен
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
List of cigar brands — This is an alphabetical list of cigar brands. Included is information about the company owning the brand name as well as a column allowing easy viewing of the source of that information. If a brand name begins with the English word The or its… … Wikipedia
cost|wise — «KOST WYZ», adverb. with respect to costs: »When…the business is no longer competitive, costwise and pricewise, it loses the market (Wall Street Journal) … Useful english dictionary
price|wise — «PRYS wyz», adverb. with respect to price or prices: »to compete pricewise … Useful english dictionary