- priapus
- [praıʹeıpəs] n греч. и рим. миф.
1. Приап, бог садов, стад и пастбищ2. (priapus) фаллос
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Priapus — Priapus, in alter Mythologie Feldgott, als Symbol der Fruchtbarkeit mit aufgerichtetem Phallus dargestellt, im Volksglauben Schützer der Gärten gegen Diebe u. Vögel. Priapeia, Sammlung kleiner obscöner röm. Gedichte, wahrscheinlich von mehren… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Priapus — [prī ā′pəs] n. [L < Gr Priapos] 1. Gr. & Rom. Myth. a god, son of Dionysus and Aphrodite, personifying the male procreative power 2. [p ] PHALLUS (sense 1) … English World dictionary
Priapus — For the ancient city in Asia Minor, see Karabiga. Priapus Fresco of Priapus, House of the Vettii, Pompeii. Minor rustic fertility god, protector of flocks, fruit plants, bees and gardens … Wikipedia
PRIAPUS — I. PRIAPUS Liberi patris et Veneris fil. quem superstitiosa antiquitas hortorum praesidem credidit, addo et portuum. Leonidas vetus poeta: Ταῦθ᾿ ὁ Πρίηπος ἐγὼν ἐπιτέλλομαι ὁ λιμενίτης. De quo vide Voss. de Idol. l. 2. c. 7. et Dempster. ad Rosin … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
priapus — an erect penis Priapus was the Pan of Mysia, usually depicted in such a condition: He threatened her with a priapus that had already once inflicted upon her an almost mortal wound. (Nabokov, 1968) Rarely used as a mild male insult,… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
Priapus — /pruy ay peuhs/, n. 1. Class. Myth. a god of male procreative power, the son of Dionysus and Aphrodite. 2. (l.c.) a phallus. * * * Greek god of animal and vegetable fertility. He was represented in a caricature of the human form, grotesquely… … Universalium
Priapus — Pri|a|pos, Pri|a|pus (griech. röm. Mythol.): Gott der Fruchtbarkeit. * * * Priapus, griechisch Prịapos, griechischer Mythos: Fruchtbarkeitsgott vorgriechischer Herkunft, dessen ursprünglich im Hellespont (besonders in Lampsakos) heimischer… … Universal-Lexikon
Priapus — Priapos Fresko, Haus der Vettier in Pompeji Priapos (griechisch Πρίαπος, auch latinisiert Priapus), Sohn des Dionysos und der Aphrodite war in der griechischen Mythologie ein Gott der Fruchtbarkeit, u … Deutsch Wikipedia
priapus — noun /pɹaɪˈeɪpəs/ An image of the god Priapus, or of a penis … Wiktionary
PRIAPUS — an ancient deity, the personification of the generating or fructifying power, and worshipped as the protector of flocks of sheep and goats, of bees, of the vine and other garden products; a worship known as the Priapus worship prevailed… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
PRIAPUS et PRIAPUM — Laspi, teste Nigrô, urbs Mysiae Asianae ad Hellespontum maritimae cum fluvio cognomine. Pario et Lampsaco finitima. A Priapo Deastro, qui ibi colebatur, illamque condidit. Virg. l. 4. Georg. v. 111. Hellespontiaci servet tutela Priapi. Plin. l. 5 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale