
1. [ʹpri:vju:] n
1. 1) предварительный (закрытый) просмотр кинофильма, спектакля и т. п.
2) анонс, рекламный показ отрывков из кинофильма
2. предварительное рассмотрение или обследование чего-л.
3. редк. репетиция теле- или радиопостановки
4. амер. (издательское) извещение о выходящих из печати изданиях
2. [ʹpri:vju:] v
предварительно просматривать

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "preview" в других словарях:

  • PREview — (Process and Requirements Viewpoints) is a requirements method which focuses on the early stage of Requirements Engineering: discovering and documenting requirements. PREview uses a Viewpoint Oriented Approach to enable the conversion of top… …   Wikipedia

  • preview — pre‧view [ˈpriːvjuː] noun [countable] an occasion when you see a product, film, record etc, before it is made generally available to the public : • Today we can give you a preview of the new Nikon professional digital camera. see also print… …   Financial and business terms

  • preview — ► NOUN 1) a viewing or display of something before it is acquired or becomes generally available. 2) a publicity article or trailer of a forthcoming film, book, etc. ► VERB ▪ provide or have a preview of (a product, film, etc.) …   English terms dictionary

  • preview — [prē′vyo͞o΄] vt. to view or show beforehand; receive or give a preview of n. ☆ 1. a previous or preliminary view or survey ☆ 2. a) a restricted showing, as of a film, before exhibition to the public generally b) a showing of scenes from a film,… …   English World dictionary

  • preview — index precursor Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • preview — (izg. prȉvju) m DEFINICIJA inform. 1. mogućnost programa da može prikazati jednu ili više stranica na ekranu (npr. prije ispisivanja); pregled 2. takav grafički prikaz stranice ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • preview — [n] preliminary showing examination, preliminary study, research, show, sneak, sneak peek*, survey, viewing; concepts 263,292,832 Ant. criticism …   New thesaurus

  • preview — 01. I like to watch the [previews] of coming attractions when I go to the movies. 02. You should [preview] any videos before showing them to your class. 03. After punching the young boy, the bully warned him that the attack was merely a [preview] …   Grammatical examples in English

  • preview — I UK [ˈpriːvjuː] / US [ˈprɪˌvju] noun [countable] Word forms preview : singular preview plural previews 1) an opportunity to see something such as a play, film, or work of art before it is shown to the public a sneak preview of next season s… …   English dictionary

  • preview — pre|view1 [ˈpri:vju:] n 1.) an occasion when you can see a film, play, painting etc before it is shown to the public preview of ▪ a sneak preview of the new fashions for autumn ▪ the press preview of the show (=when people who write for… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Preview — Eine Vorschau (oft auch englisch: Preview) bezeichnet eine Vorabbegutachtung eines noch nicht veröffentlichen Produktes (Musical, Film, Computerspiel, Buch usw.). Der Zweck liegt meistens darin begründet, Kritikern die Möglichkeit zu geben, ein… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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