
[prıʹtend] v
1. 1) притворяться, делать вид; симулировать

to pretend that one is asleep, to pretend to be asleep - притвориться спящим

he pretends to be very busy - он делает вид, что очень занят

to pretend to oneself - убеждать себя

2) играть, делать понарошку (в детских играх и т. п.)

we're only pretending - мы только играем, мы понарошку

let's pretend to be robbers - давайте играть в разбойников

3) прикидываться; разыгрывать из себя

he pretended he was a doctor - он прикинулся врачом

it's no use pretending you're still young - нечего строить из себя молодого

stop pretending, please! - прошу тебя /вас/, прекрати(те) ломать комедию!

2. использовать в качестве предлога или отговорки

to pretend ignorance - отговариваться незнанием

to pretend illness as a reason for one's absence - выставлять болезнь как причину отсутствия

pretending that he had much to do, he left early - сославшись на дела, он ушёл рано

3. (to) претендовать

to pretend to a right [to a title, to the throne] - претендовать на право [на титул, на престол]

to pretend to great learning - претендовать на учёность

4. (to) быть поклонником, ухажёром, претендентом

he pretends to her hand - он претендует на её руку

5. решиться, осмелиться

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Смотреть что такое "pretend" в других словарях:

  • Pretend — Pre*tend , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pretended}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Pretending}.] [OE. pretenden to lay claim to, F. pr[ e]tendre, L. praetendere, praetentum, to stretch forward, pretend, simulate, assert; prae before + tendere to stretch. See {Tend}, v …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pretend — [prē tend′, pritend′] vt. [ME pretenden, to intend < MFr pretendre < L praetendere, to hold forth, allege < prae , before + tendere, to stretch: see THIN] 1. to claim; profess; allege [to pretend ignorance of the law] 2. to claim or… …   English World dictionary

  • Pretend — Pre*tend , v. i. 1. To put in, or make, a claim, truly or falsely; to allege a title; to lay claim to, or strive after, something; usually with to. Countries that pretend to freedom. Swift. [1913 Webster] For to what fine he would anon pretend,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pretend to — [phrasal verb] pretend to (something) formal : to claim that you have (something, such as a quality or ability) She pretends to a deep religious devotion, but I don t believe her. usually used in negative statements I don t pretend to any… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pretend — [v1] fake, falsify act, affect, allege, assume, be deceitful, beguile, be hypocritical, bluff, cheat, claim, claim falsely, counterfeit, cozen, deceive, delude, dissemble, dissimulate, dupe, fake out*, feign, fish*, fool, fudge*, hoodwink*,… …   New thesaurus

  • pretend — ► VERB 1) make it appear that something is the case when in fact it is not. 2) engage in an imaginative game. 3) simulate (an emotion or quality). 2) (pretend to) lay claim to (a quality or title). ► ADJECTIVE informal ▪ imaginary; make believe …   English terms dictionary

  • pretend — I verb act, affect, assume, be deceitful, be hypocritical, beguile, bemask, bluff, cheat, claim falsely, counterfeit, cozen, deceive, delude, disguise, dissemble, dissimulare, dissimulate, dupe, fake, falsify, feign, fingere, fool, give a false… …   Law dictionary

  • pretend to be — index assume (simulate), impersonate, pose (impersonate) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • pretend — (v.) late 14c., to profess, assert, maintain (a claim, etc.), to direct (one s) efforts, from O.Fr. pretendre to lay claim, from L. praetendere stretch in front, put forward, allege, from prae before (see PRE (Cf. pre )) + tendere to stretch,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • pretend — *assume, affect, simulate, feign, counterfeit, sham Analogous words: *disguise, dissemble, cloak, mask, camouflage: *deceive, delude, mislead, beguile …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • pretend — I UK [prɪˈtend] / US verb Word forms pretend : present tense I/you/we/they pretend he/she/it pretends present participle pretending past tense pretended past participle pretended ** 1) [intransitive/transitive] to behave in a particular way… …   English dictionary

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