- bagpipe
- I
[ʹbægpaıp] n
1. часто pl волынка (муз. инструмент)2. пустомеля, болтун; многословный оратор, водолейII [ʹbægpaıp] v мор.обстенить (паруса)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bagpipe — Bag pipe, v. t. To make to look like a bagpipe. [1913 Webster] {To bagpipe the mizzen} (Naut.), to lay it aback by bringing the sheet to the mizzen rigging. Totten. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bagpipe — Bag pipe, n. A musical wind instrument, now used chiefly in the Highlands of Scotland. [1913 Webster] Note: It consists of a leather bag, which receives the air by a tube that is stopped by a valve; and three sounding pipes, into which the air is … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bagpipe — (engl., spr. bäggpeip), s. Dudelsack … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
bagpipe — ● bagpipe nom masculin (mot anglais) Cornemuse britannique … Encyclopédie Universelle
bagpipe — late 14c., from BAG (Cf. bag) + PIPE (Cf. pipe); originally a favorite instrument in England as well as the Celtic lands, but by 1912 English army officers slang for it was agony bags. Related: Bagpiper (early 14c.) … Etymology dictionary
bagpipe — (izg. bȅkpājp) m DEFINICIJA glazb. reg. gajde, sopile; duduk ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
bagpipe — ► NOUN ▪ a musical instrument with reed pipes that are sounded by wind squeezed from a bag. DERIVATIVES bagpiper noun … English terms dictionary
bagpipe — [bag′pīp΄] n. often pl.a shrill toned musical instrument with one double reed pipe operated by finger stops and one or more drone pipes, all of them sounded by air forced with the arm from a leather bag, which is kept filled by the breath: now… … English World dictionary
bagpipe — bagpiper, n. /bag puyp /, n., v., bagpiped, bagpiping. n. 1. Often, bagpipes. a reed instrument consisting of a melody pipe and one or more accompanying drone pipes protruding from a windbag into which the air is blown by the mouth or a bellows.… … Universalium
Bagpipe — Sackpfeife, einfache Bauform, mundgeblasen Blasebalg für Sackpfeifen mit geringem bis mäßigem Luftdurchsatz … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bagpipe — Bag|pipe 〈[bæ̣gpaıp] f. 10; Mus.〉 = Dudelsack [engl., „Sackpfeife“] * * * Bagpipe [englisch, bægpɑɪp], Dudelsack. * * * Bag|pipe [ bægpaɪp], die; , s [engl. bagpipe = Sackpfeife]: engl. Bez. für Dudelsack … Universal-Lexikon