Pressboard — Press board , n. A kind of highly sized rag paper or board, sometimes containing a small admixture of wood pulp; so called because used originally, as now, in presses for pressing and finishing knit underwear. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pressboard — [pres′bôrd΄] n. a smooth, stiff, heavy, often glazed, paper used in presses for finishing paper, etc … English World dictionary
pressboard — noun Date: 1847 1. ironing board; especially a small one for sleeves 2. a strong highly glazed composition board resembling vulcanized fiber … New Collegiate Dictionary
pressboard — /pres bawrd , bohrd /, n. 1. a kind of millboard or pasteboard. 2. sleeveboard. [1905 10; PRESS1 + BOARD] * * * … Universalium
pressboard — noun A board made by compressing layers of paper together and drying them … Wiktionary
pressboard — n. ironing board, flat surface used as a base for ironing clothes; type of strong compressed cardboard … English contemporary dictionary
pressboard — noun chiefly N. Amer. a smooth, hard board made from wood or textile pulp or laminated waste paper … English new terms dictionary
pressboard — press•board [[t]ˈprɛsˌbɔrd, ˌboʊrd[/t]] n. bui a kind of millboard or pasteboard … From formal English to slang
pressboard — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: press (I) + board; from its use in presses for pressing and finishing knit underwear 1. : a strong highly glazed board resembling vulcanized fiber 2. [press (II) + board] … Useful english dictionary
Transformerboard — A Transformerboard is the brand name of a cellulose insulating layer for electrical transformers made popular during the early mid 20th century.Since the need for high voltage electrical transformers, there has been a need for an insulating… … Wikipedia
Leistungstransformator — Als Leistungstransformator bezeichnet man Transformatoren, die für hohe Leistungen ausgelegt sind. Insbesondere Transformatoren in elektrischen Energienetzen fallen unter diese Kategorie. Diese sind in der Regel dreiphasig als… … Deutsch Wikipedia