- presentiment
- [prıʹzentımənt] n
1. предчувствие (обыкн. дурное)
presentiment of danger [of disaster] - предчувствие опасности [несчастья]
2. редк. предвзятое мнение; предвзятость
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
presentiment of danger [of disaster] - предчувствие опасности [несчастья]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
presentiment — PRESENTIMÉNT, presentimente, s.n. Presimţire. – Din fr. pressentiment. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 12.04.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 PRESENTIMÉNT s. v. presimţire. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime presentimént s. n., pl. presentiménte … Dicționar Român
presentiment — (n.) 1714, from Fr. presentiment, from M.Fr. pressentir to have foreboding, from L. præsentire to sense beforehand, from præ before + sentire perceive, feel (see SENTIENT (Cf. sentient)) … Etymology dictionary
presentiment — ► NOUN ▪ an intuitive feeling or foreboding about the future. ORIGIN obsolete French présentiment, from Latin praesentientire perceive beforehand … English terms dictionary
presentiment — [prē zent′ə mənt, prizent′ə mənt] n. [MFr < pressentir, to have a presentiment of < L praesentire: see PRE & SENTIMENT] a feeling that something, esp. of an unfortunate or evil nature, is about to take place; foreboding … English World dictionary
Presentiment — Pre*sen ti*ment, n. [Pref. pre + sentiment: cf. F. pressentiment. See {Presentient}.] Previous sentiment, conception, or opinion; previous apprehension; especially, an antecedent impression or conviction of something unpleasant, distressing, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
presentiment — index apprehension (fear), expectation, fear, foregone conclusion, inequity, misgiving, precognition … Law dictionary
presentiment — misgiving, foreboding, *apprehension Analogous words: *fear, dread, alarm, terror: foretaste, anticipation, *prospect: disquieting or disquietude, discomposing or discomposure, disturbance, perturbation (see corresponding verbs at DISCOMPOSE) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
presentiment — [n] anticipation, expectation apprehension, apprehensiveness, discomposure, disquietude, disturbance, fear, feeling, feeling in bones*, foreboding, forecast, forethought, funny feeling*, handwriting on wall*, hunch, intuition, misgiving,… … New thesaurus
presentiment — n. (formal) foreboding a presentiment that + clause (she had a presentiment that an accident would take place) * * * [prɪ zentɪmənt] (formal) [ foreboding ] a presentiment that + clause (she had a presentiment that an accident would take place) … Combinatory dictionary
presentiment — [[t]prɪze̱ntɪmənt[/t]] presentiments N COUNT: usu N that, N of n A presentiment is a feeling that a particular event, for example someone s death, will soon take place. [FORMAL] I had a presentiment that he represented a danger to me... He had a… … English dictionary
presentiment — pre|sen|ti|ment [prıˈzentımənt] n [Date: 1700 1800; : French; Origin: pressentiment, from Latin praesentire to feel before ] formal a strange feeling that something is going to happen, especially something bad = ↑premonition presentiment of ▪ a… … Dictionary of contemporary English