- prescore
- [͵pri:ʹskɔ:] v кино
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Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
prescore — transitive verb Date: 1937 to record (as sound) in advance for use when the corresponding scenes are photographed in making movies … New Collegiate Dictionary
prescore — /pree skawr , skohr /, v.t., prescored, prescoring. to record the sound of (a motion picture) before filming. [1935 40; PRE + SCORE] * * * … Universalium
prescore — verb To score (provide with a musical score) in advance … Wiktionary
prescore — v. record sound beforehand (for a motion picture) … English contemporary dictionary
prescore — pre·score … English syllables
prescore — pre•score [[t]priˈskɔr, ˈskoʊr[/t]] v. t. scored, scor•ing sbz to record the sound of (a motion picture) before filming • Etymology: 1935–40 … From formal English to slang
prescore — (ˈ)prē+ transitive verb Etymology: pre + score : to record (as dialogue, music, or sound effects) in advance for use when the corresponding scenes are photographed in making movies * * * /pree skawr , skohr /, v.t., prescored, prescoring. to… … Useful english dictionary
Mineralwasser — Mineralwasser, Wasser, welche meist eine größere Menge fester Bestandtheile u. Gase aufgelöst enthalten, als gewöhnliches Wasser, einen eigenthümlichen Geschmack, Geruch u. Farbe besitzen, u. welche sich namentlich durch eigenthümliche heilsame… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon