- preprogram
- [͵pri:ʹprəʋgræm] v спец.
1) заранее задавать, предопределять2) осуществлять предварительное программирование
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
preprogram — [prē prō′gram] vt. preprogrammed or preprogramed, preprogramming or preprograming to program beforehand: usually in the pp … English World dictionary
preprogram — /pree proh gram, greuhm/, v.t., preprogrammed or preprogramed, preprogramming or preprograming. to program in advance: to preprogram a manufacturing process. [1960 65; PRE + PROGRAM] * * * … Universalium
preprogram — verb a) To program something in advance ...hard wired behavior, or behavior that a dogs genetics have preprogrammed him to do... b) To predispose to certain thoughts or behaviours … Wiktionary
preprogram — pre|pro|gram [ ,pri prougræm ] verb transitive to give a computer or other machine a set of instructions so that it will do what you want later: The stereo came preprogrammed … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
preprogram — verb [usu. as adjective preprogrammed] program in advance for ease of use … English new terms dictionary
preprogram — pre·program … English syllables
preprogram — pre•pro′gram v. t. grammed or gramed, gram•ming or gram•ing … From formal English to slang
preprogram — ¦prēˌ transitive verb Etymology: pre + program (II) : to program in advance of some anticipated use … Useful english dictionary
P-O-X — is a handheld electronic game released by Hasbro in 2001. The game includes both single player and multi player modes[1] and a 30 foot (9 m)[citation needed] wireless connection range. P O X was introduced through a viral marketing scheme. Hasbro … Wikipedia
program — pro|gram1 [ prou,græm ] noun count *** ▸ 1 a broadcast ▸ 2 plan of activities ▸ 3 in computing ▸ 4 course of study ▸ 5 book/piece of paper ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) a television or radio broadcast: More people watch the news than any other program. She… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
preprogrammed — adjective program in advance for ease of use. → preprogram … English new terms dictionary