- prenuclear
- [͵pri:ʹnju:klıə] a
1. доядерный, доатомный (о вооружениях, военной стратегии и т. п.)2. биол. не имеющий видимого ядра
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
prenuclear — /pree nooh klee euhr, nyooh / or, by metathesis, / kyeuh leuhr/, adj. of or pertaining to the era before the development of nuclear weapons. [1950 55; PRE + NUCLEAR] Pronunciation. See nuclear. * * * … Universalium
prenuclear — adjective Occurring before the start of the nuclear age … Wiktionary
prenuclear — pre•nu•cle•ar [[t]priˈnu kli ər, ˈnyu [/t]] by metathesis [[t] kyə lər[/t]] adj. cvb of or pertaining to the era before the development of nuclear weapons • Etymology: 1950–55 pron: See nuclear … From formal English to slang
prenuclear — /pree nooh klee euhr, nyooh / or, by metathesis, / kyeuh leuhr/, adj. of or pertaining to the era before the development of nuclear weapons. [1950 55; PRE + NUCLEAR] Pronunciation. See nuclear … Useful english dictionary
Pitch accent — is a linguistic term of convenience for a variety of restricted tone systems that use variations in pitch to give prominence to a syllable or mora within a word. The placement of this tone or the way it is realized can give different meanings to… … Wikipedia
submarine — n. /sub meuh reen , sub meuh reen /; adj., v. /sub meuh reen /, n., adj., v., submarined, submarining. n. 1. a vessel that can be submerged and navigated under water, usually built for warfare and armed with torpedoes or guided missiles. 2.… … Universalium
pre|nu|cle|ar — «pree NOO klee uhr, NYOO », adjective. 1. before the age of nuclear weapons: »In earlier, prenuclear times, American Presidents responded to such depredations with fleets, Marines, and righteous cannon fire as when Thomas Jefferson dispatched U.S … Useful english dictionary
Washington Naval Conference — The Washington Naval Conference was a military conference called by the administration of President Warren G. Harding and held in Washington, D.C. from 12 November 1921 to 6 February 1922. Conducted outside the auspices of the League of Nations,… … Wikipedia
Fleet Faction — The nihongo|Fleet Faction|艦隊派|Kantai ha was an unofficial and informal political faction within the Imperial Japanese Navy in the 1920s 1930s of officers opposed to the conditions imposed by the Washington Naval Treaty.BackgroundThe Washington… … Wikipedia
Treaty Faction — The nihongo|Treaty Faction|条約派|Jōyaku ha was an unofficial and informal political faction within the Imperial Japanese Navy in the 1920s 1930s of officers supporting the Washington Naval Treaty.BackgroundThe Washington Naval Treaty , also known… … Wikipedia
Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment — MSRE plant diagram The Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) was an experimental molten salt reactor at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) researching this technology through the 1960s; constructed by 1964, it went critical in 1965 and was… … Wikipedia