- premorse
- [prıʹmɔ:s] a бот., зоол.
с резко обрезанным неровным краем
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Premorse — Pre*morse , a. [L. praemorsus, p. p. of praemordere to bite off; prae before + mordere to bite.] Terminated abruptly, or as it bitten off. [1913 Webster] {Premorse root} or {Premorse leaves} (Bot.), such as have an abrupt, ragged, and irregular… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
premorse — [prē môrs′] adj. [L praemorsus, pp. of praemordere, to bite off, orig. to bite in front or at the end < prae , before + mordere, to bite: see PRE & MORDANT] ending abruptly and unevenly, as if bitten off: said of a leaf or root … English World dictionary
premorse — pievinė miegalė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Karšulinių šeimos vaistinis nuodingas augalas (Succisa pratensis), paplitęs Europoje ir vakarų Azijoje. atitikmenys: lot. Succisa pratensis angl. devil s bit; premorse šaltinis Valstybinės… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Premorse leaves — Premorse Pre*morse , a. [L. praemorsus, p. p. of praemordere to bite off; prae before + mordere to bite.] Terminated abruptly, or as it bitten off. [1913 Webster] {Premorse root} or {Premorse leaves} (Bot.), such as have an abrupt, ragged, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Premorse root — Premorse Pre*morse , a. [L. praemorsus, p. p. of praemordere to bite off; prae before + mordere to bite.] Terminated abruptly, or as it bitten off. [1913 Webster] {Premorse root} or {Premorse leaves} (Bot.), such as have an abrupt, ragged, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
premorse — adj. [L. prae, before; modere, to gnaw] Terminating abruptly, as if bitten or broken off; having blunt or jagged termination … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
premorse — /pri mawrs /, adj. Biol. having the end irregularly truncate, as if bitten or broken off. [1745 55; < L praemorsus bitten off in front (ptp. of praemordere), equiv. to prae PRE + morsus bitten; see MORSEL] * * * … Universalium
premorse — pre·morse … English syllables
premorse — /priˈmɔs/ (say pree maws) adjective Biology having the end irregularly truncate, as if bitten or broken off. {Latin praemorsus, past participle, bitten off in front} …
premorse — a. bitten off short; as if bitten off … Dictionary of difficult words
premorse — adj. Bot. & Zool. with the end abruptly terminated. Etymology: L praemordere praemors bite off (as PRAE , mordere bite) … Useful english dictionary