
1. [ʹpremıs] n
1. лог. посылка

major [minor] premise - большая [малая] посылка

2. книжн. предпосылка, данное; вышеизложенное, вышеуказанное
3. pl
1) недвижимость, дом с прилегающими постройками и участком
2) помещение, здание, дом

consular [diplomatic] premise - здание /помещение/ консульства [посольства]

private premises - частные владения; жилые помещения

4. юр. собственность, подлежащая передаче
5. pl юр.
1) вводная часть договора (об аренде) (содержащая описание передаваемой в аренду собственности)
2) констатирующая часть искового заявления
3) вышеупомянутое; упомянутые выше пункты

to be consumed /to be drunk/ on [off] the premises - продаётся распивочно [на вынос]

licensed premises - места, в которых разрешена продажа спиртных напитков

2. [ʹpremıs,prıʹmaız] v
1. предпосылать

to premise a book with a few general remarks - предпослать книге несколько общих замечаний

2. лог. исходить из посылки, предположения
3. мед. начинать курс лечения с чего-л.

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "premise" в других словарях:

  • Premise — Pre*mise , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Premised}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Premising}.] [From L. praemissus, p. p., or E. premise, n. See {Premise}, n.] 1. To send before the time, or beforehand; hence, to cause to be before something else; to employ previously …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Premise — Pre*mise , v. i. To make a premise; to set forth something as a premise. Swift. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • premise — index assume (suppose), assumption (supposition), basis, foundation (basis), generalization, ground …   Law dictionary

  • premise — premise, premiss A premiss (usually pronounced prem is) or (rarely) premise is a previous statement from which another is inferred; the plural is premisses or premises. In the plural, premises also means ‘a house or building with its grounds’. As …   Modern English usage

  • premise — [prem′is; ] for v., chiefly Brit [ pri mīz′] n. [ME premisse < ML praemissa < L praemissus, pp. of praemittere, to send before < prae , before + mittere, to send: see PRE & MISSION] 1. a) a previous statement or assertion that serves as… …   English World dictionary

  • premise# — premise n postulate, posit, presupposition, presumption, assumption (see under PRESUPPOSE) Analogous words: ground, *reason: proposition, *proposal premise vb postulate, posit, *presuppose, presume, assume …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • premise — [n] hypothesis, argument apriorism, assertion, assumption, basis, evidence, ground, posit, postulate, postulation, presumption, presupposition, proof, proposition, supposition, thesis; concepts 529,689 Ant. fact, reality, truth premise [v]… …   New thesaurus

  • premise — ► NOUN (Brit. also premiss) 1) Logic a previous statement from which another is inferred. 2) an underlying assumption. ► VERB (premise on/upon) ▪ base (an argument, theory, etc.) on. ORIGIN Old French premisse, from Latin. praemissa propositio… …   English terms dictionary

  • Premise — Prem ise, n.; pl. {Premises}. [Written also, less properly, {premiss}.] [F. pr[ e]misse, fr. L. praemissus, p. p. of praemittere to send before; prae before + mittere to send. See {Mission}.] 1. A proposition antecedently supposed or proved;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • prémise — ● prémise nom féminin (de pré mise en train) Ensemble d opérations de contrôle et de mise au point sur la forme typographique avant son calage …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • premise — (n.) late 14c., in logic, a previous proposition from which another follows, from O.Fr. premisse, from M.L. premissa (propositio) (the proposition) set before, fem. pp. of L. praemittere send or put before, from prae before (see PRE (Cf. pre )) + …   Etymology dictionary

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