- premedication
- [͵pri:medıʹkeıʃ(ə)n] n мед.
1) премедикация, медикаментозная подготовка к операции2) лекарственное средство для премедикации
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
prémédication — [ premedikasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1959; de pré et médication ♦ Méd. Traitement médicamenteux administré avant une anesthésie ou un examen difficilement toléré. La prémédication est destinée à détendre le malade et à renforcer les effets de l anesthésique … Encyclopédie Universelle
Premedication — refer to a drug treatment given to a patient before a (surgical or invasive) medical procedure. These drugs are typically sedative or analgesic.Premedication before chemotherapy for cancer often refers to special drug regimens (usually 3 drugs,… … Wikipedia
premedication — 1. Administration of drugs prior to anesthesia to allay apprehension, produce sedation, and facilitate the administration of anesthesia. 2. Drugs used for such purposes. * * * pre·med·i·ca·tion .med ə kā shən n preliminary medication esp… … Medical dictionary
premedication — n. drugs administered to a patient before an operation (usually one in which an anaesthetic is used). Premedication usually comprises injection of a sedative (such as a benzodiazepine), to calm the patient down, together with a drug, (such as… … The new mediacal dictionary
premedication — noun The administration of a drug (or mixture of drugs) prior to an anesthetic, especially to induce sedation; the drug so administered … Wiktionary
premedication — prÉªË medɪ keɪʃn n. act of providing medication in advance; medication which is administered before another medication or treatment … English contemporary dictionary
premedication — noun medication given in preparation for an operation or other treatment … English new terms dictionary
premedication — pre·medication … English syllables
premedication — /ˌprimɛdəˈkeɪʃən/ (say .preemeduh kayshuhn) noun the giving of drugs prior to an operation, to sedate and prepare a patient …
premedication — n. medication to prepare for an operation or other treatment … Useful english dictionary
Lorazepam — Systematic (IUPAC) name (RS) 9 chloro 6 (2 chlorophenyl) 4 hydroxy … Wikipedia