- premaxillae
- [͵pri:mækʹsıli:] pl от premaxilla
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Premaxillae — Premaxilla Pre max*il la, n.; pl. {Premaxill[ae]}. [NL. See {Pre }, and {Maxilla}.] (Anat.) A bone on either side of the middle line between the nose and mouth, forming the anterior part of each half of the upper jawbone; the intermaxilla. In man … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
premaxillae — plural of premaxilla … Dictionary of ichthyology
premaxillae — n. one of a pair of bones in the upper jaw located between the maxillae (Anatomy) … English contemporary dictionary
Gymnophiona — ▪ amphibian Introduction also called Apoda one of the three major extant orders of the class Amphibia. Its members are known as caecilians (caecilian), a name derived from the Latin word caecus, meaning “sightless” or “blind.” The majority of… … Universalium
Oxalaia — Filozoa Oxalaia Temporal range: Early Cenomanian, 98 Ma … Wikipedia
Spinosaurus — Taxobox name = Spinosaurus fossil range = Early Late Cretaceous image width = 250px image caption = Spinosaurus aegyptiacus regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Sauropsida superordo = Dinosauria ordo = Saurischia subordo = Theropoda… … Wikipedia
premaxilla — (noun, plural premaxillae) one of the paired, superficial, usually toothed, dermal bones of the upper jaw, proximal or anterior to the maxillaries; in primitive Teleostomi they comprise the middle, in more advanced forms they may comprise the… … Dictionary of ichthyology
Rimasuchus — Deuterostomia Rimasuchus Temporal range: 23.03–.781 Ma … Wikipedia
Mammal — For other uses, see Mammal (disambiguation). Mammals Temporal range: Late Triassic – Recent, 220–0 Ma … Wikipedia
Charadriiformes — Temporal range: Late Cretaceous Recent, 75–0 Ma … Wikipedia
Tyrannosauridae — Filozoa Tyrannosaurids Temporal range: Late Cretaceous, 83–65.5 Ma … Wikipedia