- prelacy
- [ʹpreləsı] n
1. 1) прелатство2) (the prelacy) собир. употр. с гл. в ед. ч. высшие сановники церкви2. презр. епископальная система (церковного) управления
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Prelacy — Prel a*cy, n.; pl. {Prelacies}. [LL. praelatia. See {Prelate}; cf. {Prelaty}.] 1. The office or dignity of a prelate; church government by prelates. [1913 Webster] Prelacies may be termed the greater benefices. Ayliffe. [1913 Webster] 2. The… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
prelacy — [prel′ətiz΄əmprel′ə sē] n. pl. prelacies [ME prelacie < ML(Ec) praelatia] 1. a) the office or rank of a prelate b) prelates collectively: also prelature [prel′əchoor΄, prel′əchər] 2. church government by prelates: often a hostile term: also … English World dictionary
prelacy — noun (plural cies) Date: 14th century 1. the office or dignity of a prelate 2. episcopal church government … New Collegiate Dictionary
prelacy — /prel euh see/, n., pl. prelacies. 1. the office or dignity of a prelate. 2. the order of prelates. 3. the body of prelates collectively. 4. Sometimes Disparaging. the system of church government by prelates. [1275 1325; ME prelacie < AF < ML… … Universalium
prelacy — noun a) the office of a prelate b) the prelature prelates considered as a group … Wiktionary
prelacy — (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Hierarchy] Syn. rank, episcopacy, prelatism; see ministry 2 . 2. [Episcopate] Syn. diocese, pontificate; see bishopric … English dictionary for students
prelacy — episcopal church government Ecclesiastical Terms … Phrontistery dictionary
prelacy — prel·a·cy || prelÉ™sɪ n. office of bishop; system of rule by bishops, episcopacy … English contemporary dictionary
prelacy — [ prɛləsi] noun (plural prelacies) the government of the Christian Church by prelates. ↘the office or rank of a prelate. Origin ME: from Anglo Norman Fr. prelacie, from med. L. prelatia, from praelatus (see prelate) … English new terms dictionary
prelacy — n. 1. Office of prelate, prelateship, prelature, episcopal office. 2. Episcopacy, prelatism, hierarchy, hierarchism, hierocracy … New dictionary of synonyms
prelacy — n 1. prelatism, episcopacy, hierarchy, hierocracy, hierarchism, clericalism, theocracy. 2. prelature, prelateship, episcopate, bishopric, archbishopric, cardinalship, pontificate, papacy, primacy; canonry, prebendary … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder