- prefrontal
- 1. [͵pri:ʹfrʌntl] n анат.
предлобная кость2. [͵pri:ʹfrʌntl] a анат.префронтальный; предлобный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Prefrontal — Pre*fron tal, a. (Anat. & Zo[ o]l.) Situated in front of the frontal bone, or the frontal region of the skull; ectethmoid, as a certain bone in the nasal capsule of many animals, and certain scales of reptiles and fishes. n. A prefrontal bone or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
préfrontal — préfrontal, ale, aux [ prefrɔ̃tal, o ] adj. • mil. XXe; de pré et frontal ♦ Anat. De la région antérieure du front. Zone préfrontale du cerveau. préfrontal, ale, aux [pʀefʀɔ̃tal, o] adj. ÉTYM. Mil. XXe; de pré , et frontal. ❖ … Encyclopédie Universelle
prefrontal — prefrontál adj. m., pl. prefrontáli; f. sg. prefrontálă, pl. prefrontále Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic … Dicționar Român
prefrontal — [prē frunt′ l] adj. of, pertaining to, or situated near the front of a structure of the brain or of the head of a vertebrate … English World dictionary
Préfrontal — Cortex préfrontal Le cortex préfrontal est la partie antérieure du lobe frontal du cerveau, située en avant des régions prémotrices. Cette région est le siège de différentes fonctions cognitives dites supérieures (notamment le langage, la mémoire … Wikipédia en Français
prefrontal — 1. Denoting the anterior portion of the frontal lobe of the cerebrum. 2. Denoting the granular frontal cortex rostral to the premotor area. * * * pre·fron·tal .prē frənt əl … Medical dictionary
prefrontal — I. adjective Date: 1854 anterior to or involving the anterior part of a frontal structure < a prefrontal bone > II. noun Date: 1854 a prefrontal part (as a bone) … New Collegiate Dictionary
Prefrontal cortex — Prefrontal redirects here. For the skull bone, see Prefrontal bone. For the reptile scales, see Prefrontal scale. Brain: Prefrontal cortex Brodmann areas of lateral surface. Per BrainInfo, parts of #8, #9, #10, #1 … Wikipedia
Prefrontal Cortex Basal Ganglia Working Memory — (PBWM) is an algorithm which models the working memory in the prefrontal cortex and the basal ganglia.[1] It can be compared to Long short term memory (LSTM) in functionality but is more biologically explainable.[1] It uses the Primary Value… … Wikipedia
prefrontal leukotomy — n PREFRONTAL LOBOTOMY … Medical dictionary
prefrontal lobe — n the anterior part of the frontal lobe that is made up chiefly of association areas, mediates various inhibitory controls, and is bounded posteriorly by the ascending frontal convolution * * * the region of the brain at the very front of each… … Medical dictionary