Preform — Pre*form , v. t. [L. praeformare. See {Pre }, and {Form}.] To form beforehand, or for special ends. Their natures and preformed faculties. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
preform — [prē fôrm′] vt. to form in advance … English World dictionary
Preform — A preform is material that has undergone preliminary shaping but is not yet in its final form. Fiber optics In fiber optics, a preform is a piece of glass used to draw an optical fiber.The preform may consist of several pieces of a glass with… … Wikipedia
preform — v. /pree fawrm /; n. /pree fawrm /, v.t. 1. to form beforehand. 2. to determine or decide beforehand: to preform an opinion. 3. to shape or fashion beforehand: to preform a mold. n. 4. biscuit (def. 5). 5. any of various uncompleted objects of… … Universalium
preform — transitive verb Etymology: Latin praeformare, from prae + formare to form, from forma form Date: 1601 1. to form or shape beforehand 2. to bring to approximate preliminary shape and size • preform noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
preform — ruošinys statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. preform vok. Vorform, f rus. заготовка, f pranc. préforme, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
preform — rėmelis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. frame; preform vok. Rahmen, m rus. рамка, f pranc. cadre, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
preform — ruošinys statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. blank; preform; stab vok. Ausgangserzeugnis, n rus. заготовка, f pranc. pièce brute, f; préforme, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
preform — 1. noun a) An object that has undergone preliminary shaping but is not yet in its final form. b) The rough, incomplete and unused basic form of a stone tool. 2. verb To shape something before some other operation … Wiktionary
preform — prÉªË fÉ”rm / fÉ”Ëm v. mold beforehand, form in advance; shape in advance; assemble beforehand … English contemporary dictionary
preform — perform … Anagrams dictionary