- pree
- [pri:] v шотл.
to pree the mouth of smb. - поцеловать кого-л. в губы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to pree the mouth of smb. - поцеловать кого-л. в губыНовый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
prée — n. f. (Acadie) Prairie bordant un cours d eau ou le rivage de la mer. Une belle prée. Foin de prée. ⇒PRÉE, subst. fém. Synon. vieilli, littér. ou région. (Ouest) de prairie. Adieu clos, plaines diaprées, Prées, Vergers fleuris, jardins sablés,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Pree — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Helmuth Pree (* 1950), österreichischer Kirchenrechtler Wolfgang Pree (* 1964), österreichischer Informatiker Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demsel … Deutsch Wikipedia
pree — /pree/, n., v., preed, preeing. Scot. and North Eng. n. 1. a test, trial, or taste; a test by sampling. v.t. 2. to try, test, or taste. 3. pree the mouth of, Scot. to kiss. Also, prie. [1690 1700; shortened form of preive, ME preve (n.), preven… … Universalium
Pree — Recorded in several spelling forms as shown below, this interesting surname is French. It is or was residential for someone who lived at a place called Pre of which there are a number of examples in France, or who lived near a meadow. The… … Surnames reference
pree — ˈprē transitive verb (preed ; preed ; preeing ; prees) Etymology: short from preve, to test, prove, from Middle English proeven, preven from Old French preuv , present stem of prover to test, prove more at prove Scotland : to taste tentatively :… … Useful english dictionary
pree|mie — «PREE mee», noun. Informal. a premature baby. Also, premie … Useful english dictionary
Prée-Ronde — 44°45′58″N 65°23′48″O / 44.76611, 65.39667 Le site de la Prée Ronde serait un des premiers endroits en Amérique du Nord, occupés de façon continue par des fami … Wikipédia en Français
pree — transitive verb (preed; preeing) Etymology: alteration of preve to prove, test, from Middle English preven, from Anglo French prev , stem of prover to prove Date: 1680 Scottish to taste tentatively ; sample … New Collegiate Dictionary
Prée — nf prairie de grande étendue Saintonge, Centre de la France, anc. fr … Glossaire des noms topographiques en France
pree the nets — to make a test haul to see if an area is productive of fish (Scottish dialect) … Dictionary of ichthyology
pree the mouth of — phrasal Scotland : kiss … Useful english dictionary