Predigest — Pre di*gest , v. t. (Med.) To subject (food) to predigestion or artificial digestion. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
predigest — [prē΄di jest′, prē΄dījest′] vt. to digest beforehand; specif., to treat (food) as with enzymes for easier digestion when eaten predigestion n … English World dictionary
predigest — verb To digest food in advance of eating it. Spiders predigest their food by injecting enzymes into their victims. See Also: digest, predigestion … Wiktionary
predigest — transitive verb Date: 1663 1. to subject to predigestion 2. to simplify for easy use < predigested classics for children > … New Collegiate Dictionary
predigest — predigestion, n. /pree di jest , duy /, v.t. 1. to treat (food) by an artificial process analogous to digestion so that, when taken into the body, it is more easily digestible. 2. to make simpler or plainer, as for easier understanding. [1655 65; … Universalium
predigest — pre·di·gest .prēd ī jest, .prēd ə vt to subject to predigestion … Medical dictionary
predigest — prɪËdaɪ dÊ’est , dɪ dÊ’est v. process food in order to make digestion easier; simplify, make easier to understand … English contemporary dictionary
predigest — verb 1》 treat (food) so as to make it more easily digestible when eaten. 2》 simplify (information) so that it is easier to absorb. Derivatives predigestion noun … English new terms dictionary
predigest — pre·digest … English syllables
predigest — pre•di•gest [[t]ˌpri dɪˈdʒɛst, daɪ [/t]] v. t. 1) phl to treat (food) by an artificial process analogous to digestion so that, when taken into the body, it is more easily digestible 2) to make simpler or plainer, as for easier understanding •… … From formal English to slang
predigest — /pridəˈdʒɛst/ (say preeduh jest), / daɪ / (say duy ) verb (t) to treat (food) by an artificial process similar to digestion, in order to make it more easily digestible. –predigestion, noun …