- preconscious
- 1. [͵pri:ʹkɒnʃəs] n психол.
предсознание2. [͵pri:ʹkɒnʃəs] a психол.предсознательный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
preconscious — [prē kän′shəs] adj. Psychoanalysis of or pertaining to that part of a person s mental activity which is not immediately conscious, but which can be easily recalled of or pertaining to that part of a person s mental activity which is not… … English World dictionary
Preconscious — Pre*con scious, a. Of or pertaining to a state before consciousness. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
preconscious — (adj.) 1860, from PRE (Cf. pre ) + CONSCIOUS (Cf. conscious) (adj.) … Etymology dictionary
Preconscious — In Freudian psychoanalysis, the word preconscious is applied to thoughts which are unconscious at the particular moment in question, but which are not repressed and are therefore available for recall and easily capable of becoming conscious.… … Wikipedia
preconscious — In psychoanalysis, one of the three divisions of the psyche according to Freud s topographic psychology, the other two being the conscious and unconscious; includes all ideas, thoughts, past experiences, and other memory impressions that with… … Medical dictionary
preconscious — I. adjective Date: 1860 not present in consciousness but capable of being recalled without encountering any inner resistance or repression • preconsciously adverb II. noun Date: circa 1922 the preconscious part of the psyche especially in… … New Collegiate Dictionary
preconscious — preconsciously, adv. /pree kon sheuhs/, adj. 1. Psychoanal. absent from but capable of being readily brought into consciousness. 2. occurring prior to the development of consciousness. n. 3. the preconscious portion of the mind; foreconscious.… … Universalium
preconscious — /ˌpriˈkɒnʃəs/ (say .pree konshuhs) adjective 1. Psychology absent from the conscious mind but capable of being easily recalled to it. 2. of or relating to a state before the development of consciousness. –noun 3. the preconscious part of the mind …
preconscious Psychology — adjective of or associated with a part of the mind below the level of conscious awareness, from which memories and emotions that have not been repressed can be recalled. noun (one s/the preconscious) this part of the mind. Derivatives… … English new terms dictionary
preconscious — 1. adjective (of memories) that one is not aware of, but can be recalled through conscious effort 2. noun The sum of these memories … Wiktionary
preconscious — Synonyms and related words: anima, coconscious, collective unconscious, conscience, conscious self, death instinct, ego, ego ideal, ego id conflict, ethical self, foreconscious, id, libidinal energy, libido, mind, motive force, persona,… … Moby Thesaurus