- precolumbian
1> предшествовавший открытию Колумбом Америки, доколумбовый
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
precolumbian — PRECOLUMBIÁN, Ă, precolumbieni, e, adj. (Despre civilizaţie, artă) Care a existat în America înainte de descoperirea acesteia de către Cristofor Columb; care aparţine acestei perioade. [pr.: bi an] – Din fr. précolumbien (după n. pr. Columb).… … Dicționar Român
precolumbián — adj. m., (sil. bi an), pl. precolumbiéni (sil. bi eni); f. sg. precolumbiánã, pl. precolumbiéne (sil. bi e ) … Romanian orthography
Cultural depictions of spiders — Precolumbian spider image from a conch shell gorget at the Great Mound at Spiro, Oklahoma. Throughout history, there have been many cultural depictions of spiders in popular culture, mythology and symbolism. From Greek mythology to African… … Wikipedia
Classification of indigenous peoples of the Americas — Cultural regions of North American people at the time of European contact … Wikipedia
Mesoamerican literature — The traditions of indigenous Mesoamerican literature extend back to the oldest attested forms of early writing in the Mesoamerican region, which date from around the mid 1st millennium BCE. Many of the pre Columbian cultures of Mesoamerica are… … Wikipedia
Poporo Quimbaya — is a precolumbian artpiece of the classic quimbaya period, currently exhibited in the Gold Museum in Bogotá, Colombia. Its primary use was as a ceremonial device for chewing of coca leaves during religious ceremonies. It was made around 300 B.C.… … Wikipedia
Festival du film de Bogotá — Date de création 1984 Prix principal Golden Precolumbian Circle Lieu Bogotá, Colombie Site web … Wikipédia en Français
Chan Santa Cruz — Areas under the Mayas control, approximately 1870 Chan Santa Cruz or U Noh Kah Balam Nah Chan Santa Cruz is the Maya town now known as Felipe Carrillo Puerto in what is now the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. This name is often assigned to the… … Wikipedia
Pasca — Infobox Settlement official name = Pasca other name = native name = nickname = settlement type = Town motto = imagesize = image caption = flag size = 100px image seal size = image shield = shield size = city logo = citylogo size = mapsize = 250px … Wikipedia
Metate — and mano A metate (or mealing stone) is a mortar, a ground stone tool used for processing grain and seeds. In traditional Mesoamerican culture, metates were typically used by women who would grind calcified maize and other organic materials… … Wikipedia
Ceramics of indigenous peoples of the Americas — Moche portrait vessel, Musée du quai Branly, ca. 100 700 CE, 16 x 29 x 22 cm … Wikipedia