
[prıʹsi:d] v
1. предшествовать

the calm that precedes a storm - затишье, которое бывает перед бурей

the conference was preceded by a reception - перед конференцией состоялся приём

for a week preceding this occasion - всю предшествующую неделю

2. 1) быть, находиться или идти впереди

the regiment was preceded by its band - впереди /во главе/ полка шёл оркестр

he preceded me into the room - он вошёл в комнату передо мной

2) предпосылать

to precede a lecture with a few words - сказать перед лекцией несколько слов

to precede one's statement with a qualification - сделать оговорку перед выступлением

the book is preceded by a short biography of the author - книге предпослана краткая биография автора

3. 1) превосходить, быть выше по положению, должности, званию и т. п.

a major precedes a captain - по званию майор выше капитана

2) превосходить по важности

this task now precedes every other problem - эта задача в настоящее время важнее всего

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "precede" в других словарях:

  • précédé — précédé, ée (pré sé dé, dée) part. passé de précéder. Qui a devant soi quelqu un. •   Et, précédé des jeux, des grâces, des plaisirs, Il vole aux champs français sur l aile des zéphirs, VOLT. Henr. IX..    Fig. •   Précédé au barreau par cette… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Precede — Pre*cede , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Preceded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Preceding}.] [L. praecedere, praecessum; prae before + cedere to go, to be in motion: cf. F. pr[ e]ceder. See {Pre }, and {Cede}.] 1. To go before in order of time; to occur first with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • precede — precede, proceed Note that precede, meaning ‘to go before’ is spelt cede, whereas proceed, meaning ‘to go ahead’, is spelt ceed …   Modern English usage

  • precede — ► VERB 1) come or go before in time, order, or position. 2) (precede with) preface or introduce (something) with. DERIVATIVES preceding adjective. ORIGIN Latin praecedere go before …   English terms dictionary

  • precede — I verb antecede, antecedere, antedate, antegredi, anteire, anticipate, be ahead of, come before, come first, forerun, go ahead of, go before, go in advance, go in front of, harbinger, herald, introduce, lead, lead the way, pave the way, pioneer,… …   Law dictionary

  • precede — (v.) early 15c., to occur before, from M.Fr. preceder, from L. praecedere to go before, from prae before (see PRE (Cf. pre )) + cedere to go (see CEDE (Cf. cede)). Meaning to walk in front of is late 15c.; that of to go before in rank or impor …   Etymology dictionary

  • precede — [v] go ahead of antecede, antedate, anticipate, be ahead of, come first, forerun, foreshadow, go before, go in advance, guide, harbinger, have a head start*, head, head up, herald, in space, introduce, lead, light the way*, outrank, pace, pave… …   New thesaurus

  • precedé — Precedé, [preced]ée. part. pass. Il a les significations de son verbe …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • precede — [prē sēd′, prisēd′] vt. preceded, preceding [ME preceden < MFr précéder < L praecedere: see PRE & CEDE] 1. to be, come, or go before in time, place, order, rank, or importance 2. to introduce with prefatory remarks, etc. vi. to be, come, or …   English World dictionary

  • precede — verb ADVERB ▪ directly, immediately ▪ in the moments which immediately preceded the earthquake ▪ generally, often, typically, usually ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • PRECEDE — (Roget s Thesaurus II) Index precede noun ancestor (2), ancestry, façade, face (2), front, future, lead, leader, precedence adjective …   English dictionary for students

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