- preagricultural
- [͵pri:ægrıʹkʌltʃ(ə)rəl] a ист.
preagricultural domestication of animals - одомашнивание животных до возникновения земледелия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
preagricultural domestication of animals - одомашнивание животных до возникновения земледелия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
preagricultural — adj. * * * … Universalium
preagricultural — adjective Before the advent of agriculture … Wiktionary
preagricultural — pre·agricultural … English syllables
preagricultural — pre ag•ri•cul′tur•al adj … From formal English to slang
preagricultural — ¦prēˌ adjective Etymology: pre + agricultural : existing or occurring before the practice of agriculture … Useful english dictionary
Paleolithic diet — This article is about a modern nutritional approach. For information on the dietary practices of Paleolithic humans, see Paleolithic#Diet and nutrition. Paleolithic style dish: seafood stew The modern dietary regimen known as the Paleolithic diet … Wikipedia
Revash — The Revash funerary complex is located in Peru s Santo Tomás District, part of Luya Province, approximately 60 km to the south of Chachapoyas, the capital of the Amazonas Region. At an altitude of 2,800 m above sea level, the funeral… … Wikipedia
Revash's mausoleums — are some architectonical rests found in the Amazonas Region of Peru. Last century Charles Wiener discerned some mausoleums of Utcubamba: those of Revash in Santo Tomás, that later were studied by the archaeologists Henry and Paule Reichlen in… … Wikipedia
birth control — regulation of the number of children born through the deliberate control or prevention of conception. Cf. family planning (def. 1). [1914, Amer.] * * * Voluntary limiting of human reproduction, using such means as contraception, sexual abstinence … Universalium
cañada — /keuhn yah deuh, yad euh/, n. Chiefly Western U.S. 1. a dry riverbed. 2. a small, deep canyon. [1840 50; < Sp, equiv. to cañ(a) CANE + ada n. suffix] * * * Canada Introduction Canada Background: A land of vast distances and rich natural resources … Universalium
Canada — /kan euh deuh/, n. a nation in N North America: a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. 29,123,194; 3,690,410 sq. mi. (9,558,160 sq. km). Cap.: Ottawa. * * * Canada Introduction Canada Background: A land of vast distances and rich natural… … Universalium