
1. [ʹpræktıs] n
1. практика; применение, осуществление на практике

in practice - а) на практике, на деле, фактически; б) на поверку

to put in(to) practice - осуществлять, проводить в жизнь

theory without practice is useless - теория без практики бессмысленна /мертва/

2. 1) обычай; обыкновение; привычка; установившийся порядок

international practice - международная практика

established diplomatic practice - установившаяся /общепринятая/ дипломатическая практика

usual /routine/ practice - обычная /установившаяся/ практика, обычное дело

practice of trade - торговый обычай, торговая практика

to make a practice of daily exercise - взять себе за правило ежедневно делать физзарядку

my usual practice is to tip the waiter - я имею обыкновение давать чаевые

it was then the practice - тогда это было принято

the practice of going to bed late - привычка поздно ложиться спать

2) ритуал; церемониал
3. 1) тренировка, упражнение

choir practice - репетиция хора

dry rowing practice - спорт. «сухой» курс гребли

practice ground - а) воен. учебный плац; б) с.-х. опытное поле

practice jump - спорт. а) учебный прыжок; б) пробный прыжок

to be out of practice - разучиться, давно не заниматься (чем-л.)

to keep in practice - держать себя в форме, не прекращать тренировок /занятий/

she's doing her practice at the piano - она упражняется в игре на рояле

I haven't done much practice - я мало упражнялся /тренировался/

it takes years of practice - нужны годы (упорных) занятий

practice makes perfect - ≅ навык мастера ставит

2) учебная стрельба (тж. instruction practice)

practice ammunition - воен. учебные боеприпасы

practice dummy - воен. учебный патрон

4. 1) практика, деятельность (врача, адвоката)

dental practice - зубоврачебная практика

to be in practice - практиковать

he has retired from practice - он бросил практику

2) практика, клиентура

he has a large practice - он имеет большую практику /клиентуру/

5. юр. процессуальная норма; процессуальное право
6. pl арх.
1) делишки, махинации

corrupt practices - ловкие происки

discreditable practices - тёмные дела

sharp practices - мошенничество

2) происки, интрига
2. [ʹpræktıs] амер. = practise

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "practice" в других словарях:

  • practice — prac‧tice [ˈprækts] noun 1. [uncountable] the work done by a particular profession, especially lawyers or doctors who are working for themselves rather than a public organization: • Mr. Barr returned to private law practice in the mid 1990s. •… …   Financial and business terms

  • practice — prac·tice n 1: the form and manner of conducting judicial and quasi judicial proceedings 2 a: the continuous exercise of a profession; also: the performance of services that are considered to require an appropriate license engaged in the… …   Law dictionary

  • practice — [prak′tis] vt. practiced, practicing [ME practisen < MFr practiser, altered < practiquer < ML practicare < LL practicus < Gr praktikos, concerning action, practical < prassein, to do] 1. to do or engage in frequently or usually; …   English World dictionary

  • Practice — Prac tice, n. [OE. praktike, practique, F. pratique, formerly also, practique, LL. practica, fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? practical. See {Practical}, and cf. {Pratique}, {Pretty}.] 1. Frequently repeated or customary action; habitual performance; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • practice# — practice vb Practice, exercise, drill are comparable when they mean, as verbs, to perform or cause one to perform an act or series of acts repeatedly and, as nouns, such repeated activity or exertion. Practice fundamentally implies doing,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Practice — or Practise may refer to: * Practice (learning method), a method of learning by repetition * Standards Practices, a conventional, traditional, or otherwise standardised method * Practice of law * Law firm, a legal practice * Medical practice, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Practice — Prac tice, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Practiced}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Practicing}.] [Often written practise, practised, practising.] 1. To do or perform frequently, customarily, or habitually; to make a practice of; as, to practice gaming. Incline not my… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Practice — Prac tice, v. i. [Often written practise.] 1. To perform certain acts frequently or customarily, either for instruction, profit, or amusement; as, to practice with the broadsword or with the rifle; to practice on the piano. [1913 Webster] 2. To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • practice — [n1] routine, usual procedure convenance, convention, custom, fashion, form, habit, habitude, manner, method, mode, praxis, proceeding, process, rule, system, tradition, trick, usage, use, usefulness, utility, way, wont; concept 688 Ant.… …   New thesaurus

  • practice — Ⅰ. practice [1] ► NOUN 1) the actual application of a plan or method, as opposed to the theories relating to it. 2) the customary way of doing something. 3) the practising of a profession. 4) the business or premises of a doctor or lawyer. 5) the …   English terms dictionary

  • practice — [ praktis ] n. m. • mil. XXe; mot angl. « pratique » ♦ Anglic. Au golf, Terrain, salle réservés à l entraînement. ● practice nom masculin (mot anglais) Terrain ou ensemble d installations en salle destinés à l entraînement au golf. practice… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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