power base — power bases also power base N COUNT: oft with poss The power base of a politician or other leader is the area or the group of people from which they get most support, and which enables him or her to become powerful. Milan was Mr Craxi s home town … English dictionary
power base — n an area or group of people whose support makes a politician or leader powerful ▪ the party s traditional power base … Dictionary of contemporary English
power base — power ,base noun count the place or group from which a politician or party gets the most support: The conservatives are fueled by a rural power base … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
power base — noun : a base of political support * * * noun, pl ⋯ bases [count] : the area or group of people that provides the main support for a particular political candidate Both candidates are doing whatever they can to raise money from their power bases … Useful english dictionary
power base — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms power base : singular power base plural power bases the place or group from which a politician or party gets most support … English dictionary
power base — noun (C) an area or group of people whose support gives a politician or leader their power: Texas remained Johnson s political power base … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
power base — a source of authority or influence, esp. in politics, founded on support by an organized body of voters, ethnic minority, economic class, etc.: His election as governor gives him a power base for seeking the presidency. [1965 70] * * * … Universalium
power-base — see power base … English dictionary
power base — /ˈpaʊə beɪs/ (say powuh bays) noun the source, usually a group of people, from which an individual or organisation mainly draws its authority, support, etc., especially in a political situation: the party s power base is the religious right …
power base — pow′er base n. gov a source of political power founded esp. on support by an organized body of voters or ethnic minority • Etymology: 1965–70 … From formal English to slang
power base — noun The source of a persons or organizations power or influence … Wiktionary