Powdery — Pow der*y, a. 1. Easily crumbling to pieces; friable; loose; as, a powdery spar. [1913 Webster] 2. Sprinkled or covered with powder; dusty; as, the powdery bloom on plums. [1913 Webster] 3. Resembling powder; consisting of powder. The powdery… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
powdery — [adj] consisting of fine, loose grains arenaceous, arenose, branny, chalky, crumbling, crumbly, dry, dusty, fine, floury, friable, grainy, granular, gravelly, gritty, impalpable, loose, mealy, pulverized, pulverulent, sandy; concept 606 Ant.… … New thesaurus
powdery — [pou′dər ē] adj. 1. of, like, or in the form of powder 2. easily crumbled into powder 3. covered with or as with powder … English World dictionary
powdery — /pow deuh ree/, adj. 1. consisting of or resembling powder: powdery sand; powdery clouds. 2. easily reduced to powder: powdery plaster. 3. sprinkled or covered with or as with powder: flowers powdery with pollen. [1400 50; late ME powdry. See… … Universalium
powdery — [[t]pa͟ʊdəri[/t]] ADJ GRADED Something that is powdery looks or feels like powder. A couple of inches of dry, powdery snow had fallen … English dictionary
powdery — adjective 1. consisting of fine particles (Freq. 1) powdered cellulose powdery snow pulverized sugar is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding • Syn: ↑powdered, ↑pulverized, ↑pulverised, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
powdery — adjective Date: 15th century 1. a. resembling or consisting of powder < powdery snow > b. easily reduced to powder ; crumbling 2. covered with or as if with powder … New Collegiate Dictionary
powdery — adjective Of or pertaining to powder. We were plowing through great deeps of powdery alkali dust that rose in thick clouds and floated across the plain like smoke from a burning house. We were coated with it like millers; so were the coach, the… … Wiktionary
powdery — adj. Powdery is used with these nouns: ↑snow, ↑substance … Collocations dictionary
powdery — pow|der|y [ˈpaudəri] adj 1.) like powder or easily broken into powder ▪ powdery snow 2.) covered with powder … Dictionary of contemporary English
powdery — pow|der|y [ paudəri ] adjective like powder: powdery snow … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English