- potpie
- [ʹpɒtpaı] n преим. амер.
1) мясной пирог, испечённый в высокой форме2) фрикасе из мяса и теста
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Potpie — Pot pie , n. A meat pie which is boiled instead of being baked. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
potpie — ☆ potpie [pät′pī′ ] n. 1. a meat pie made in a pot or deep dish, usually with only a top crust 2. a stew with dumplings … English World dictionary
Potpie (musician) — Occasionally known as DJ Potpie, the sound artist potpie from New Orleans is a prolific solo musician who records and produces his own material, and releases it on the Backporch Revolution label. Often performing with a sine wave generator, he… … Wikipedia
potpie — noun Date: circa 1792 pastry covered meat and vegetables cooked in a deep dish … New Collegiate Dictionary
potpie — /pot puy , puy /, n. 1. a deep dish pie containing meat, chicken, or the like, often combined with vegetables and topped with a pastry crust. 2. a stew, as of chicken or veal, with dumplings, biscuits, or the like. [1785 95, Amer.; POT1 + PIE1] * … Universalium
potpie — noun a) A pie, having pastry sides and bottom, and filled with meat etc b) A dish of meat and vegetable stew with dumplings … Wiktionary
potpie — n. baked meat pie, deep dish meat casserole … English contemporary dictionary
potpie — pot•pie [[t]ˈpɒtˌpaɪ, ˈpaɪ[/t]] n. coo a pie of meat or chicken and vegetables cooked in a deep dish and topped with a crust • Etymology: 1785–95, amer … From formal English to slang
potpie — noun deep dish meat and vegetable pie or a meat stew with dumplings • Hypernyms: ↑dish * * * ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ noun 1. : meat and vegetables covered with pastry and boiled or baked in a pot 2. : deep dish pie * * * /pot puy , puy /, n … Useful english dictionary
Backporch Revolution — is an independent record label, netlabel, and artists collective from New Orleans, Louisiana, probably most noted for releasing material by Chef Menteur, potpie and other New Orleans underground artists. In 2006, Backporch Revolution released the … Wikipedia
Crust — (kr?st), n. [L. crusta: cf. OF. crouste, F. cro[^u]te; prob. akin to Gr. ????? ice, E. crystal, from the same root as E. crude, raw. See {Raw}, and cf. {Custard}.] 1. The hard external coat or covering of anything; the hard exterior surface or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English