- potbound
1> сдерживаемый в росте размерами горшка (о растении)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
potbound — pot|bound [ˈpɔtbaund US ˈpa:t ] adj BrE a plant that is potbound cannot grow any more because its roots have grown to fill the pot it is in … Dictionary of contemporary English
potbound — adjective BrE a plant that is potbound cannot grow any more because its roots have grown to fill the pot it is in; rootbound AmE … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
potbound — /pot bownd /, adj. Hort. (of a plant) having the roots so densely grown as to fill the container and require repotting. [1840 50; POT1 + BOUND1] * * * … Universalium
potbound — pot•bound [[t]ˈpɒtˌbaʊnd[/t]] adj. bot (of a plant) having roots so densely grown as to fill the container and require repotting • Etymology: 1840–50 … From formal English to slang
potbound — adjective (of a potted plant) grown too large for its container resulting in matting or tangling of the roots • Syn: ↑rootbound • Similar to: ↑planted * * * /pot bownd /, adj. Hort. (of a plant) having the roots so densely grown as to fill the… … Useful english dictionary
Columnea — crassifolia Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae … Wikipedia
rootbound — adjective AmE a plant that is rootbound cannot grow any more because its roots have filled the pot it is growing in; potbound BrE … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
planted — adjective 1. (used especially of ideas or principles) deeply rooted; firmly fixed or held (Freq. 1) deep rooted prejudice deep seated differences of opinion implanted convictions ingrained habits of a lifetime a deeply planted need • Syn … Useful english dictionary
rootbound — adjective 1. (of a potted plant) grown too large for its container resulting in matting or tangling of the roots • Syn: ↑potbound • Similar to: ↑planted 2. having the roots matted or densely tangled shaggy untended lawns of old trees and… … Useful english dictionary
pot|bound — «POT BOWND», adjective. having roots that have grown practically to fill the pot, so the plant cannot grow more without repotting: »a potbound house plant … Useful english dictionary