- postindustrial
- [͵pəʋstınʹdʌstrıəl] a
постиндустриальный (о стране, обществе и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
postindustrial — [pōst΄in dus′trē əl] adj. designating or of a society in which the economic base has shifted from heavy industry to service industries, technology, etc … English World dictionary
postindustrial — postindustrialist, n. /pohst in dus tree euhl/, adj. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an era following industrialization: The economy of the postindustrial society is based on the provision of services rather than on the manufacture of… … Universalium
postindustrial — adjective a) Describing the economy of a nation in which manufacturing industry becomes less important and the service and information industries become more important. b) Of a genre of industrial music following the original ind … Wiktionary
postindustrial — post|in|dust|ri|al [ ,poustın dʌstriəl ] adjective TECHNICAL relating to societies or economies that had a lot of industry in the past but now depend on other types of work … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
postindustrial — post·industrial … English syllables
postindustrial — UK [ˌpəʊstɪnˈdʌstrɪəl] / US [ˌpoʊstɪnˈdʌstrɪəl] adjective relating to societies or economies that had a lot of industry in the past but now depend on other types of work … English dictionary
postindustrial — adj. relating to or characteristic of a society or economy which no longer relies on heavy industry … Useful english dictionary
ПОСТИНДУСТРИАЛЬНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО — (postindustrial society) концепция общества конца 20 го столетия, выдвигающая на первый план снижение его зависимости от промышленного производства, возникновение новых отраслей сферы услуг и акцент на роли знания в производстве, потреблении и… … Большой толковый социологический словарь
Sociocultural evolution — Cultural evolution redirects here. For gene culture coevolution, see Dual inheritance theory. Sociology … Wikipedia
Information society — For other uses, see Information society (disambiguation). The aim of the information society is to gain competitive advantage internationally through using IT in a creative and productive way. An information society is a society in which the… … Wikipedia
Sociedad posindustrial — (ni la palabra postindustrial ni las construcciones pos industrial y post industrial, de uso muy frecuente, se recogen en el DRAE)[1] es un concepto propuesto por varios teóricos de la sociología y la economía para describir el estado de un… … Wikipedia Español