- postfrontal
- [pəʋstʹfrʌntl] a
1. анат. заднелобный2. метеор. зафронтальный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Postfrontal — Post*fron tal, a. [Pref. post + frontal.] (Anat.) Situated behind the frontal bone or the frontal region of the skull; applied especially to a bone back of and below the frontal in many animals. n. A postfrontal bone. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
postfrontal — post·fron·tal (pōst frŭnʹtl) adj. 1. At the back of the frontal bone; behind the forehead: a postfrontal suture. 2. Toward the rear of the frontal lobe. * * * … Universalium
postfrontal — I. “+ adjective Etymology: post + frontal : situated behind the frontal bone or frontal region of the skull or in reptiles the frontal shield; specifically : indicating a bone behind and above the orbit of which it commonly forms part of the… … Useful english dictionary
postfrontal ridge — (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) In Culicidae, an apodeme externally differentiated by the postfrontal suture … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
postfrontal — a term misapplied to the dermosphenotic, q.v., of fishes. Equivalent to the supraorbitals … Dictionary of ichthyology
postfrontal — adjective a) Behind the frontal bone b) Behind a front … Wiktionary
postfrontal — noun Zoology a bone behind the orbit of the eye in some vertebrates … English new terms dictionary
postfrontal — post·frontal … English syllables
postfrontal suture — (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) Facial sutures present occurring above the lateral ocelli and extending laterad of the antennal bases. postfurca n. [L. post, after; furca, fork] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) The forked sternal process or apodeme of the metathorax … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Postorbital — The postorbital is one of the bones in vertebrate skulls which forms a portion of the dermal skull roof and, sometimes, a ring about the orbit. Generally, it is located behind the postfrontal and posteriorly to the orbital fenestra. In some… … Wikipedia
REPTILES FOSSILES — Qu’est ce qu’un Reptile? Pour le profane, la réponse ne fait aucun doute: les Reptiles actuels (lézards, serpents, tortues et crocodiles) sont des Vertébrés écailleux, rampants, à sang froid. En revanche, la définition de ce groupe animal est… … Encyclopédie Universelle