- possessor
- [pəʹzesə] n
1) владелец, обладатель; собственник2) юр. фактический владелец при отсутствии правооснования
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
possessor — pos‧ses‧sor [pəˈzesə ǁ ər] noun [countable] formal the owner of something: • Saudi Arabia is the possessor of the largest oil reserves in the world. * * * possessor UK US /pəˈzesər/ noun [C] FORMAL ► … Financial and business terms
Possessor — Pos*sess or, n. [L.: cf. F. possesseur.] One who possesses; one who occupies, holds, owns, or controls; one who has actual participation or enjoyment, generally of that which is desirable; a proprietor. Possessors of eternal glory. Law. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
possessor — pos·ses·sor /pə ze sər/ n: one that has possession Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. possessor I … Law dictionary
Posséssor — (lat.), Besitzer, Inhaber; possessōrisch, den Besitz betreffend. Possessorische Rechtsmittel, s. Petitorienklagen … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
possessor — |ô| adj. s. m. Que ou aquele que possui; possuidor … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Possessor — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Possessor >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 possessor possessor holder Sgm: N 1 occupant occupant occupier Sgm: N 1 tenant tenant Sgm: N 1 person in possession person in possession man in possession &c. 777 … English dictionary for students
possessor — One who possesses; one who has possession. See also occupant @ possessor bona fide /pazessr bowna faydiy/ He is a bona fide possessor who possesses as owner by virtue of an act sufficient in terms to transfer property, the defects of which he was … Black's law dictionary
Possessor — Die Alienabilität (von engl.: alienable = „veräußerbar“) ist eine in vielen Sprachen gebräuchliche Unterscheidung zwischen veräußerbarem (alienablem bzw. nichtorganisch possessivem) und unveräußerlichem (inalienablem bzw. organisch possessivem)… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Possessor (7) — 7Possessor et Firminus, Epp. (3. Dec. al. 4. Mai). Der heil. Possessor (nach Gall. chr. XIII. 1116), der sechste Bischof von Verdun, wird bei den Boll. (Maji, I. 438) zugleich mit dem heil. Firminus9, seinem Nachfolger, aufgeführt, da die… … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
POSSESSOR — I. POSSESSOR Episcopus Afer celebris admodum. Ab Arianis Africâ expulsus, A. C. 517. Constantinopolim se recepit, indeque Hormisdam Episcopum Romanum de Monachis Scythiae monuit, qui Faulto Reiensi adhaerere, contra Augussinum, dicebantur. Qui… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
possessor — pos|ses|sor [pəˈzesə US ər] n formal someone who owns or has something often used humorously possessor of ▪ He s now the proud possessor of two satellite dishes … Dictionary of contemporary English