- backwoodsman
- [ʹbækwʋdz|mən] n (pl -men [-{ʹbækwʋdz}mən])
1) обитатель лесной глуши2) шутл. дикарь, медведь (о провинциале)3) ирон. «гость из глуши» (о члене палаты лордов, редко бывающем на заседаниях)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Backwoodsman — Back woods man, n.; pl. {Backwoodsmen}. A man living in the forest in or beyond the new settlements, especially on the western frontiers of the United States in former times. Fisher Ames. [1913 Webster +PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
backwoodsman — ► NOUN chiefly N. Amer. ▪ an inhabitant of backwoods … English terms dictionary
backwoodsman — UK [ˈbækˌwʊdzmən] / US noun [countable] Word forms backwoodsman : singular backwoodsman plural backwoodsmen UK [ˈbækˌwʊdzmən] / US someone who lives in the backwoods … English dictionary
backwoodsman — Kua āina, kaikua. ♦ To act like a backwoodsman, ho okua āina … English-Hawaiian dictionary
backwoodsman — noun Date: 1774 a person who lives in or is a native of the backwoods … New Collegiate Dictionary
backwoodsman — /bak woodz meuhn/, n., pl. backwoodsmen. 1. a person living in or coming from the backwoods. 2. a person of uncouth manners, rustic behavior or speech, etc. 3. Brit. a peer who rarely attends the House of Lords. [1700 10, Amer.; BACKWOODS + MAN]… … Universalium
backwoodsman — noun a) A person who is acclimated to living in a forest area that is far removed from civilization or modern conveniences. b) An uncivilized person … Wiktionary
backwoodsman — Synonyms and related words: briar hopper, brush ape, bumpkin, bushman, clam digger, cracker, desert rat, forester, frontiersman, hick, hillbilly, hinterlander, mountain man, mountaineer, piny, provincial, redneck, ridge runner, woodlander,… … Moby Thesaurus
backwoodsman — (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n. rustic, yokel, *hillbilly, *hick, *hayseed … English dictionary for students
backwoodsman — back|woods|man [ˈbækwudzmən] n plural backwoodsmen [ mən] 1.) someone who lives in the backwoods 2.) BrE a member of a political party or parliament, especially the House of Lords, who is not very active politically and only sometimes votes,… … Dictionary of contemporary English
backwoodsman — [[t]bæ̱kwʊdzmən[/t]] backwoodsmen N COUNT Backwoodsmen are people, especially politicians, who like the old ways of doing things, or who are involved in an organization at a local level. [mainly BRIT] ...Republican Party backwoodsmen in the… … English dictionary