- popish
- [ʹpəʋpıʃ] a пренебр.
папский, папистский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Popish — Pop ish, a. Of or pertaining to the pope; taught or ordained by the pope; hence, of or pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church; often used opprobriously. {Pop ish*ly}, adv. {Pop ish*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
popish — ► ADJECTIVE derogatory ▪ Roman Catholic … English terms dictionary
popish — [pōp′ish] adj. having to do with popery; characteristic of the Roman Catholic Church: a hostile term popishly adv. popishness n … English World dictionary
Popish Plot — n. see OATES Titus … English World dictionary
Popish Plot — The execution of the five Jesuits The Popish Plot was a fictitious conspiracy concocted by Titus Oates that gripped England, Wales and Scotland in Anti Catholic hysteria between 1678 and 1681.[1] Oates alleged that there existed an extens … Wikipedia
Popish Plot — Complot papiste Exécution de cinq jésuites sur une carte à jouer, 1849 Le Complot papiste (Popish Plot en anglais) ou encore Complot d Oates (Oates s Plot) est une fausse conspiration perpétrée en Angleterre en 1678, et attribuée à tort aux… … Wikipédia en Français
Popish Plot — Die Papisten Verschwörung („Popish Plot“) war eine Verschwörungstheorie im England der Jahre 1678 bis 1681. Sie wurde in die Welt gesetzt, um die Katholiken des Landes zu diskreditieren und führte zu zahlreichen Verhaftungen sowie 35… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Popish soap — During the personal rule of the English King Charles I (1629 1640), one of the ways in which he attempted to raise money was through the granting of patents.One such patent was granted to a soap corporation; unfortunately, their soap so injured… … Wikipedia
popish — adjective Etymology: pope Date: 1528 often disparaging Roman Catholic … New Collegiate Dictionary
popish — popishly, adv. popishness, n. /poh pish/, adj. Usually Disparaging. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Roman Catholic Church. [1520 30; POPE + ISH1] * * * … Universalium
popish — adjective /ˈpəʊpɪʃ,ˈpoʊpɪʃ/ of or pertaining to Roman Catholicism<!; used by early Protestants (this is a usage note, not a definition) Syn: Catholic, papal, papist, Roman Catholic, Romish See Also: pope … Wiktionary