- poodle
- [ʹpu:dl] n
пудель (порода собак)
poodle cut - короткая женская стрижка «пудель» (на кудрявых или завитых волосах)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
poodle cut - короткая женская стрижка «пудель» (на кудрявых или завитых волосах)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
poodle — (n.) 1825, from Ger. Pudel, shortened form of Pudelhund water dog, from Low Ger. Pudel puddle (Cf. pudeln to splash ) + Ger. Hund hound. Probably so called because the dog was used to hunt water fowl. Figurative sense of lackey (chiefly British)… … Etymology dictionary
poodle — ► NOUN 1) a breed of dog with a curly coat that is usually clipped. 2) Brit. a servile or obsequious person. ORIGIN German Pudelhund, from puddeln splash in water (the poodle being a water dog) … English terms dictionary
Poodle — Poo dle, n. [G. pudel.] (Zo[ o]l.) A breed of dogs having curly hair, and often showing remarkable intelligence in the performance of tricks. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
poodle — [po͞od′ l] n. [Ger pudel < LowG pudel(hund) < pudeln, to splash (akin to PUDDLE) + hund, dog: see HOUND1] any of a breed of dog with a curly coat in a solid color, usually clipped in one of a variety of patterns: the breed has three… … English World dictionary
Poodle — For the political insult, see poodle (insult). Poodle A standard poodle female running. Other names Pudle (Old English) Caniche Barbone Country of origin Germany … Wikipedia
poodle — /poohd l/, n. one of a breed of very active dogs, probably originating in Germany but regarded as the national dog of France, having long, thick, frizzy or curly hair usually trimmed in standard patterns, occurring in three varieties (standard,… … Universalium
poodle — o perro caniche Perro cobrador de agua de origen alemán. Los poodles tienen hocico largo, orejas colgantes y cola recortada. Poseen un pelaje externo, duro, tupido y liso y uno interno, lanudo. El pelo del poodle tradicionalmente se cortaba para… … Enciclopedia Universal
poodle — noun Etymology: German Pudel, short for Pudelhund, from pudeln to splash + Hund dog Date: 1810 1. any of a breed of active intelligent dogs that have a curly dense solid colored harsh coat and that are grouped into standard, miniature, and toy… … New Collegiate Dictionary
poodle — poo|dle [ˈpu:dl] n [Date: 1800 1900; : German; Origin: pudel, from pudelhund dog that splashes in water ] 1.) a dog with thick curly hair 2.) be sb s poodle BrE informal if someone is another person s poodle, they always do what the other person… … Dictionary of contemporary English
poodle — noun (C) 1 a dog with thick curly hair 2 be sb s poodle BrE humorous if someone is another person s poodle, they always do what the other person tells them to do … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
poodle — UK [ˈpuːd(ə)l] / US [ˈpud(ə)l] noun [countable] Word forms poodle : singular poodle plural poodles a dog with thick curly fur … English dictionary