- pompous
- [ʹpɒmpəs] a
1. великолепный, помпезный, эффектный2. 1) напыщенный, полный важности, самомнения
he's a pompous ass - он (просто) надутый осёл
2) высокопарный, напыщенный (о слоге)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
he's a pompous ass - он (просто) надутый осёл
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pompous — Pomp ous, a. [F. pompeux, L. pomposus. See {Pomp}.] 1. Displaying pomp; stately; showy with grandeur; magnificent; as, a pompous procession. [1913 Webster] 2. Ostentatious; pretentious; boastful; vainlorious; as, pompous manners; a pompous style … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pompous — (adj.) late 14c., characterized by exaggerated self importance, from O.Fr. pompeux, from L.L. pomposus stately, pompous, from L. pompa pomp (see POMP (Cf. pomp)). More literal, but less common, meaning characterized by pomp is attested from early … Etymology dictionary
pompous — index dictatorial, flatulent, formal, fustian, grandiose, inflated (bombastic), inflated (vain) … Law dictionary
pompous — [adj] arrogant, egotistic affected, bloated, boastful, bombastic, conceited, flatulent, flaunting, flowery, fustian, grandiloquent, grandiose, high and mighty*, highfaluting*, high flown*, imperious, important, inflated, magisterial, magniloquent … New thesaurus
pompous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ affectedly grand, solemn, or self important. DERIVATIVES pomposity noun pompously adverb … English terms dictionary
pompous — [päm′pəs] adj. [ME < MFr pompeus < LL pomposus < L pompa: see POMP] 1. Archaic full of pomp; stately 2. characterized by exaggerated stateliness; pretentious, as in speech or manner; self important pompously adv. pompousness n … English World dictionary
pompous — [[t]pɒ̱mpəs[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe someone as pompous, you mean that they behave or speak in a very serious way because they think they are more important than they really are. He was somewhat pompous and had a high… … English dictionary
pompous — pom|pous [ˈpɔmpəs US ˈpa:m ] adj someone who is pompous thinks that they are important, and shows this by being very formal and using long words used to show disapproval ▪ He seems rather pompous. ▪ the book s pompous style >pompously adv… … Dictionary of contemporary English
pompous — adjective Date: 15th century 1. excessively elevated or ornate < pompous rhetoric > 2. having or exhibiting self importance ; arrogant < a pompous politician > 3. relating to or suggestive of pomp ; magnificent • pompously … New Collegiate Dictionary
pompous — pompously, adv. /pom peuhs/, adj. 1. characterized by an ostentatious display of dignity or importance: a pompous minor official. 2. ostentatiously lofty or high flown: a pompous speech. 3. characterized by pomp, stately splendor, or magnificence … Universalium
pompous — pom|pous [ pampəs ] adjective someone who is pompous thinks they are very important and speaks or behaves in a very serious and formal way. This word shows you do not like people like this: He s a pompous old windbag who loves the sound of his… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English