- polyposis
- [͵pɒlıʹpəʋsıs] n мед.
полипоз, множественные полипы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Polyposis — [zu Polyp] die, / ses, Medizin: das Vorkommen zahlreicher Polypen in einem Hohlorgan … Universal-Lexikon
Polyposis — familiäre adenomatöse Polyposis Die Polyposis (Griechisch πολύπωσις) ist der medizinische Fachbegriff für das Auftreten zahlreicher Polypen in einem Hohlorgan. Erkrankungen mit Vielfachen (in der Regel mehr als hundert) Polypen im Magen Darm… … Deutsch Wikipedia
polyposis — Presence of several polyps. [polyp + G. osis, condition] adenomatous p. coli SYN: familial adenomatous p.. familial adenomatous p. (FAP) [MIM*175100] p. that usually begins in childhood; polyps increase in number … Medical dictionary
polyposis — n. a condition in which numerous polyps form in an organ or tissue. Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a hereditary disease (caused by a defective dominant gene) in which multiple adenomas develop in the intestine, usually the large bowel or … The new mediacal dictionary
Polyposis registries — exist for the purpose of understanding the genetic disease familial adenomatous polyposis. The registries provide a service to doctors for identification, surveillance and management of families and individuals with high colorectal cancer risk… … Wikipedia
polyposis coli — polyposis of colon a condition characterized by the occurrence of multiple polyps in the colon, such as familial adenomatous polyposis or juvenile polyposis … Medical dictionary
Polyposis coli — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 D12 Gutartige Neubildung des Kolons, des Rektums, des Analkanals und des Anus D12.6 Kolon, nicht näher bezeichnet Polyposis coli (hereditär) … Deutsch Wikipedia
polyposis coli — (= adenomatous polyposis coli; Familial adenomatous polyposis; FAP) Hereditary disorder (Mendelian dominant) characterized by the development of hundreds of adenomatous polyps in the large intestine, which show a tendency to progress to… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Polyposis nasi — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 J33 Nasenpolyp … Deutsch Wikipedia
polyposis — /pol euh poh sis/, n. Pathol. the development of numerous polyps on a hollow internal organ, seen esp. in the intestinal tract. [1910 15; POLYP + OSIS] * * * … Universalium
polyposis — noun A hereditary disease characterised by numerous polyps that erupt in various parts of the body, especially the colon … Wiktionary