- polynesian
- 1. [͵pɒlıʹni:zıən] n
1. полинезиец; полинезийка2. полинезийская ветвь малайско-индонезийской семьи языков2. [pɒlıʹni:zıən] aполинезийский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Polynesian — Pol y*ne sian, a. Of or pertaining to Polynesia (the islands of the eastern and central Pacific), or to the Polynesians. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Polynesian — [päl΄i nē′zhən, päl΄i nē′shən] n. 1. a member of any of the indigenous peoples of Polynesia, including the Hawaiians, Tahitians, Samoans, Maoris, Marquesans, Tongans, and other groups 2. a subgroup of the Austronesian language family, consisting… … English World dictionary
Polynesian — Polynesians Pol y*ne sians, n. pl.; sing. {Polynesian}. (Ethnol.) The race of men native in Polynesia. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Polynesian — noun Date: 1807 1. a member of any of the indigenous peoples of Polynesia 2. a group of Austronesian languages spoken in Polynesia • Polynesian adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Polynesian — adj. & n. adj. of or relating to Polynesia, a group of Pacific islands including New Zealand, Hawaii, Samoa, etc. n. 1 a a native of Polynesia. b a person of Polynesian descent. 2 the family of languages including Maori, Hawaiian, and Samoan.… … Useful english dictionary
Polynesian languages — Polynesian Geographic distribution: Polynesia Linguistic classification: Austronesian Malayo Polynesian Oceanic Central Pacific … Wikipedia
Polynesian navigation — was a system of navigation used by Polynesians to routinely make long voyages across thousands of miles of open ocean. Navigators traveled to small inhabited islands using only their own senses and knowledge passed by oral tradition from… … Wikipedia
Polynesian culture — refers to the aboriginal culture of the Polynesian speaking peoples of Polynesia and the Polynesian outliers. Polynesia. Chronologically, the development of Polynesian culture can be divided into four different historical eras: *Exploration and… … Wikipedia
Polynesian Blue — ИАТА DJ ИКАО PBN … Википедия
Polynesian Airlines — ИАТА PH ИКАО PAO Позывной POLYNESIAN Дата основания … Википедия
Polynesian Blue — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Boeing 737 800 de Polynesian Blue Polynesian Blue (el designator IATA DJ es el mismo que Virgin Blue o que Pacific Blue) es una nueva aerolínea establecida en Apia (Samoa) del Grupo Virgin. (49% es … Wikipedia Español