- polymerize
- [ʹpɒlıməraız] v хим.
1) полимеризировать2) полимеризироваться
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Polymerize — Pol y*mer*ize, v. t. (Chem.) To cause polymerization of; to produce polymers from; to increase the molecular weight of, without changing the atomic proportions; thus, certain acids polymerize aldehyde. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Polymerize — Pol y*mer*ize, v. i. (Chem.) To change into another substance having the same atomic proportions, but a higher molecular weight; to undergo polymerization; thus, aldehyde polymerizes in forming paraldehyde. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
polymerize — (Amer.) po·lym·er·ize || pÉ™ lɪmÉ™raɪz v. combine two or more separate molecules to form a more complex molecule (also polymerise) … English contemporary dictionary
polymerize — polimerizuoti statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Vykdyti polimerizacijos reakciją. atitikmenys: angl. polymerize rus. полимеризовать … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
polymerize — polymer ► NOUN Chemistry ▪ a substance with a molecular structure formed from many identical small molecules bonded together. DERIVATIVES polymeric adjective polymerize (also polymerise) verb. ORIGIN from Greek polumeros having many parts … English terms dictionary
polymerize — verb 1. cause (a compound) to polymerize • Syn: ↑polymerise • Derivationally related forms: ↑polymerisation (for: ↑polymerise), ↑polymerization, ↑polymer … Useful english dictionary
polymerize — verb ( ized; izing) Date: 1865 transitive verb to subject to polymerization intransitive verb to undergo polymerization … New Collegiate Dictionary
polymerize — /peuh lim euh ruyz , pol euh meuh /, v., polymerized, polymerizing. Chem. v.t. 1. to subject to polymerization. v.i. 2. to undergo polymerization. Also, esp. Brit., polymerise. [1860 65; POLYMER + IZE] * * * … Universalium
polymerize — verb /ˈpɒlɨmərʌɪz,pəˈlɪ.mə.raɪz,ˈpɑləməˌraɪz/ a) to convert a monomer to a polymer by polymerization b) to undergo polymerization … Wiktionary
polymerize — To bring about polymerization. * * * po·ly·mer·ize also Brit po·ly·mer·ise pə lim ə .rīz, päl ə mə vb, ized also Brit ised; iz·ing also Brit is·ing vt to subject to polymerization vi to undergo polymerization * * * po·lym·er·ize (pə limґ … Medical dictionary
polymerize — Synonyms and related words: acetify, acidify, acidulate, alkalify, alkalize, borate, carbonate, catalyze, chemical, chlorinate, electrolyze, ferment, homopolymerize, hydrate, hydrogenate, hydroxylate, isomerize, nitrate, oxidize, pepsinate,… … Moby Thesaurus