- polychasium
- [͵pɒlıʹkeızıəm] n (pl -sia) бот.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
polychasium — polychasial, adj. /pol ee kay zhee euhm, zheuhm, zee euhm/, n., pl. polychasia / zhee euh, zheuh, zee euh/. Bot. a form of cymose inflorescence in which each axis produces more than two lateral axes. [ < NL; see POLY , DICHASIUM] * * * … Universalium
polychasium — poly·cha·sium … English syllables
polychasium — /pɒliˈkeɪziəm/ (say polee kayzeeuhm) noun (plural polychasia /pɒliˈkeɪziə/ (say polee kayzeeuh)) a form of cymose inflorescence on a plant, in which each axis produces more than two lateral axes. {New Latin, from poly poly 1 + Greek chasis… …
polychasium — … Useful english dictionary
monochasium — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ at mono +ˈkāzh(ē)əm noun (plural monochasia zh(ē)ə) Etymology: New Latin, from mon + chasium (as in dichasium) : a cymose inflorescence that produces only one main axis compare dichasium … Useful english dictionary
pol|y|cha|si|al — «POL ee KAY zee uhl», adjective. of or having to do with a polychasium … Useful english dictionary
pol|y|cha|si|um — «POL ee KAY zee uhm», noun, plural si|a « zee uh». Botany. a form of cymose inflorescence in which each axis produces more than two lateral axes. ╂[< New Latin polychasium < Greek polýs much + chásis division < cháskein to yawn, gape.… … Useful english dictionary